Boyfriend’s Pop-Up Photo Album For His GF Is Your New Relationship Goal

I am so old now (so old… these bones…), but when I was in high school nothing was romantic.

Maybe I grew up in a time when Mentos-Diet Coke explosions and being apathetic toward everything was cool.

Maybe nobody liked me that much, which is also a pretty good explanation if you ever come across my high school yearbook.

I literally cannot remember a single nice, let alone romantic, gesture a person I dated in high school did for me. I’m sure there must have been something?

On the other hand, I think the kindest thing I did for my young love was buying him a case of energy drinks called Bawls for his birthday. Because, LOL, that name though.

My past aside, this boyfriend just gave his girlfriend one of the most heartfelt gifts I have seen in all my years: a pop-up photo album filled with their memories.

Jasper is entering his first year of college while his girlfriend Zara finishes up at their high school. He put together this beautifully artistic photo album for her before he left.

It’s chock full of hidden slides, photo collages and pictures of their Snapchat and Instagram memories.

Obviously, Jasper and Zara are relationship goals.

That said, I will die alone in a ditch. Goodbye forever.

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Boyfriend’s Pop-Up Photo Album For His GF Is Your New Relationship Goal

Credit: Dating – Elite Daily


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