Does McDonald’s ketchup make a good lipstick substitute? We put the rumors to the test!


Head over to McDonald’s to try out this bizarre beauty hack.

Here at RocketNews24, our reporters are always looking for ways to improve their image, and right now genderless-kei is in. Previously, Nakazawa showed us how to turn yourself into a facsimile of genderless-kei icon and model Ryucheru, and now P.K. is stepping up to try out this new beauty hack, for when you need lipstick — and fast! Our Japanese writers heard that more than a few girls in China were claiming that McDonald’s dipping sauces are the perfect substitute for lip color and provide such amazing coverage that other people won’t even know the difference unless you tell them.

Because of how often our reporters find themselves sitting under McDonald’s golden arches to bring you the latest news in Japanese fast food, they already had three different sauces from the restaurant on hand: ketchup, mustard, and barbecue.



For authenticity, P.K.’s even donned a bikini to take away from some of his other less-than-feminine features, but apologizes in advance for his not-so-bikini-ready bod.


Above, you can see him getting ready in front of the mirror, hoping that you’ll be so stunned by his luscious lips that your eyes won’t be able to wander elsewhere. Ready? 3, 2, 1…

▼ …Pucker up!


P.K. went for the ketchup first. Not only did it go on easy and look pretty natural, it made his lips feel surprisingly soft. He also got the nod of approval from some of our lovely RocketNews ladies sitting beside him. Not bad for the first test run!

▼ A few blank stares as well…


Next, he tried out the barbecue sauce. Besides the shade having a slightly more glamorous-looking effect, our female writers couldn’t discern much of a difference between it and the ketchup.


As for the mustard, while the color was certainly loud and playful, it didn’t provide very much coverage. On top of that, no one could get anywhere near him without commenting about how much he smelled like a hot dog. So unless the guy or girl you’re going after has a serious case of the munchies, it’s probably better to avoid this one.

▼ Also, it just looks incredibly gross…


All and all, we’re not sure this hack really lives up to its hype. Sure, in a make-up emergency, you could walk into any McDonald’s and order a five-piece box of chicken nuggets and sauce, but for the same price you could probably just as easily buy a cheap tube of lip gloss or lipstick at whichever drugstore happens to be close by. Not to mention, this hack only seems to work from far away, as up close it kind of looks like P.K.’s lips are melting off his face.


We’ll leave you all with these two photos and let you make the final call, though.


Images ©RocketNews24



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