‘Jumanji’ Cast Defends Karen Gillan’s Tiny Outfit, But We’re Not Buying It

“Jumanji” is back, but maybe that’s not a good thing.

If you’re the only female member of an ensemble cast, there are a few inequalities to deal with.

Namely, you only get to wear a third of an outfit, while everyone else is fully clothed.

Earlier this week, “Jumanji 2” costars Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and Kevin Hart released the first official images from the set of their film. Purportedly, this is not a sequel; it’s a “continuation” of the game’s story.

Originally released in 1995, “Jumanji” starred beloved comedian Robin Williams as a boy who’d played a very mysterious board game and found himself sucked into a jungle for 26 years.

It’s not the plot that’s upsetting fans of the original film, however. It’s the wardrobe.

Redheaded actress Karen Gillan, formerly of “Doctor Who” fame and most recently found in “Guardians of the Galaxy,” wears only a crop top and camouflage shorts in the image.

Not so bad on its own, right? Well, every male member of the cast is normally clothed.

Gillan’s body may be flawless, but why make a point of it for a children’s movie? Fans compared Gillan’s look to the cartoonishly over-sexualized Lara Croft, about whom many a think piece has been written.

After reading plenty of complaints from fans, The Rock explained,

Our dope 90’s vintage costumes will all make sense when our plot’s revealed. Truuuuuust me. The journey continues..

Gillan herself added,

Yes I’m wearing child sized clothes and YES there is a reason! The pay off is worth it, I promise!

OK, one small problem here. If the plot happens to be about a child who gets sucked into the game and then grows up, like it seems Gillan is hinting at, the producer has still purposely used a plot point to show off Gillan’s fit body.

As many others have pointed out, this debate seems like 2016’s answer to Bryce Dallas Howard’s stiletto-wearing character in “Jurassic World” and Scarlett Johansson’s booty-first Black Widow in “The Avengers.”

There are plenty of excuses to make, but ask yourself this: Would a male actor ever be asked to do the same comedic gag? To show off his body for what’s barely more than a quick gag?

I leave you with this visual, created by illustrator Jason Rainville.

‘Jumanji’ Cast Defends Karen Gillan’s Tiny Outfit, But We’re Not Buying It

Credit: Women – Elite Daily


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