10 Things I Do When I’m Home Alone To Make Myself Feel Sexy

A girl’s got to know how to make herself feel sexy.

I know this will sound like a raging cliché, but you really don’t need a man (or anyone else, for that matter) to feel like a hot, attractive, and desirable goddess.

Any time I’m feeling down or need a little pick-me-up, I try some of my go-to activities that are guaranteed to give me a confidence boost.

The best part? They don’t cost that much, either. And I don’t need anyone else to do ’em.

Here are 10 things I do weekly to make myself feel sexy AF, just for ME:

1. Give myself a mani/pedi while drinking wine.

I always feel like such a queen when I pamper myself. There’s something really nice about always being “prepared” for any unknown adventure — whether it’s a man you don’t know you’re going to meet or just an unplanned girls’ night out.

Having your nails done is part of being prepared. Any girl knows that. Grab a $10 bottle of wine and some OPI, and treat yourself.

No man needed. No salon needed. No roomy budget needed.

2. Play dress-up, even if I have nowhere to go.

I often run into the problem of looking really good or having a great hair day with nowhere to go. Or, having pretty clothes but no special occasion to wear them.

Well, I say: Who cares if my calendar isn’t filled with social events? I’ve got my bod and I’ve got the mirror.

Sometimes, just sitting in my bed in that new Topshop dress I got on super sale is enough to make me feel damn sexy.

3. Try a new hair style.

My hair is really curly. Not so much cute-curly, more frizzy-and-unruly curly.

So one of the things I do that makes me feel sexy without fail is wear my hair in a different way once or twice a week. I’ll curl it to perfect, smooth tendrils or straighten it with a flatiron.

This way, I don’t get bored of my look and I don’t even have to go out and get a haircut to feel sexy.

4. Dance around my apartment and belt out Whitney Houston.

This is part of my secret single girl behavior, or what I refer to as SSGB.

We all have one thing we love to do that we’re semi-embarrassed to admit to the world. Yes, for me, this is that thing. But I feel so sexy when I dance and express myself like no one’s watching.

No, I’m not Whitney (RIP). But pretending to be her truly makes me feel awesome.

5. Light candles and write.

Writing is one of my biggest hobbies (and my profession). Writing also makes me feel confident and self-aware, which makes me feel sexy.

As for the candles part? Candles just add sex appeal to everything. You don’t need to be having sex to light some candles.

Whatever it is that makes you feel fulfilled, light candles and [insert that activity here].

6. Post a recent accomplishment of mine on social media.

It isn’t a validation thing, really; it’s more of a “I’m so proud of myself I want to show it off” thing.

Sometimes, feeling sexy has nothing to do with the way you look and everything to do with the way you feel.

7. Sleep in pretty lingerie.

In the winter, you can find me in a matching set of PJs. But in summertime, you can find me in a matching, silky, white lingerie set with lace around the edges.

No, no one’s looking at me. But they don’t need to be because I feel fresh to death in my white booty shorts.

8. Bake in heels.

I’m a horrible cook, but a decent baker. I kid you not when I say I throw on my polka-dotted Urban Outfitters apron, some Lady Gaga and my favorite pair of Jeffrey Campbells before heading to the oven.

I’m just a mediocre baker, but when I bake, I want to feel like Blake Lively, dammit.

IMO, the key to feeling sexy is to make an ~experience~ out of everything, even the little things, like mundane chores.

9. Read a book by someone that influences me.

Reading a book or quote from — or even looking at a picture of — one of my idols makes me feel sexy and empowered.

Up next on my list is “Girl Boss” by Sophia Amoruso. (I know, I’m a little late on that one.)

10. Give myself an orgasm.

Ladies, there is nothing that will make you feel sexier than giving yourself an orgasm (or multiple).

Try a vibrator. Use your hand. Watch porn, or fantasize on your own if that’s your style. Whatever works.

In the end, you’ll feel like a tantalizing sex goddess.

You’ll curl up into a ball, drift off to sleep and dream in happiness.

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10 Things I Do When I’m Home Alone To Make Myself Feel Sexy

Credit: Dating – Elite Daily


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