Japanese toymaker celebrates Halloween with crazy animal and anime cosplay in the office 【Photos】

Yes, that is Cardcaptor Sakura diligently working with her fishmen colleagues.

Most large Japanese companies have a rather conservative dress code. Whether officially codified or simply implied, men are expected to wear a black or navy suit (pinstriping kept to a minimum) and a white, or at least very pale-colored, dress shirt. Women are often given a little more leeway, but in general clothing with subdued hues and nothing in the way of eye-catching patterns is the norm.

It’s possible that, on an ordinary day, those business norms are also in place at toymaker Takara Tomy. But last Friday was no ordinary day, as the company celebrated Halloween early with some very unusual officewide cosplay.

A lrage contingent of workers showed up dressed as koi, or Japanese carp, and carried on their daily work routine while wearing detailed fish head masks (although in the background you can also spot anime magical girl Cardcaptor Sakura). The fact that Japanese offices don’t have walled cubicles means that their coworkers sitting directly across from them got to see the display of hardworking aquatic life every time they looked up.

▼ Finally, ichthyologists have an answer to the question “Can fish read?”

This was the second year in a row for a contingent of man-animals to show up in the office, which was visited last year by a flock of industrious birds.

Don’t think that this was something just a small team of screwball employees did while thumbing their noses at the boss, because top management was totally onboard. See that headless monster standing next to the man in the top hat in the picture below?

That’s Harold Meij, Takara Tomy’s President and CEO.

Sadly, now that it’s November in Japan, it’s probably back to suits and ties for another year. But if you want to keep the spirit of Halloween in your heart all year long, Takara Tomy will be happy to sell you a Cardcaptor Sakura costume.

Source: Jin
Featured image: Twitter/@takaratomytoys



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