Starbucks Japan releases delicious baked apple drinks for the holiday season!【Taste Test】


The cool Frappuccino and its hot counterpart are some of the sauciest, best looking drinks we’ve ever tasted.

As we enter the festive month of December, Starbucks Japan is continuing to spread the goodwill with another addition to their already delightful range of beverages for the holiday season. The deliciously named Snow Pecan Nut Frappuccino and the Crispy Gingerbread Frappuccino were released last month, and now it’s time for the Baked Apple Frappuccino and the Hot Baked Apple to delight our tastebuds in time for the holidays. Our Japanese-language reporter was in line today to try the new drinks as soon as they were released, and was happy to report that the drinks were every bit as delicious as they looked.


The Baked Apple Frappuccino, priced at 540 yen (US$4.72), comes with a delicious mound of freshly whipped cream, topped with a sauce containing an enticing mix of flavours made from baked apples, burnt butter and brown sugar. The sauce is topped off with a sprinkling of crème brûlée powder.


Inside, the cream-based dessert drink is filled with cut pieces of caramel-flavored apple. The crispy, juicy flesh of the sweet fruit is a beautiful embellishment that provides a great texture to the rich-tasting drink.


This all becomes even more delicious when the sauce and the crème brûlée topping are stirred into the creamy base. The hearty flavours of baked apple combine beautifully with the sweeter components, creating a well-balanced blend of fruit and cream. Adding cinnamon at the self-service counter increases the depth of flavour and brings a real wintery touch to the sweet dessert drink.


The Hot Baked Apple (420-540 yen) adapts the concept of American apple cider for the sweeter tastes of the Japanese market, with each cup of original apple juice individually warmed, before being topped with a generous serving of baked apple sauce and crème brûlée powder.


Cinnamon is a great addition to the hot drink, working well to bring out all the flavours of a real baked apple. Perfect for a cold winter’s day, the hot beverage warms the whole body with a delicious, gentle flavour. It’s just like drinking a hot apple!


▼ For an additional flavour boost, the staff suggest adding caramel chunks to the baked apple beverages.


The two baked apple drinks will be available at Starbucks outlets across Japan from 1-25 December. And while you’re there, don’t forget to look out for the new Starbucks puddings, which are limited for sale only in Korea and Japan!

Reference: Starbucks

Photos © RocketNews24



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