We try all-you-can-eat raw eggs for 730 yen, turns out to be way better than it sounds

Eggs with white yolks and citrus scents are among the luxurious offerings on deck at this all-you-can-eat deal in Tokyo.

Many of us eat eggs on a regular basis, but how many of us can actually recall tasting a truly great egg? Have you ever bitten into a poached, boiled, or fried egg that really stood out among others? Probably not, or at least that was the case with Mr. Sato before he visited Kisaburo Farm.

Always on the look-out for all-you-can-eat deals in Tokyo, he came across this unusual offer of unlimited “high quality” eggs for 730 yen (US$6.50). Considering a carton of eggs costs less than half of that and is generally considered much more than one can eat, these must be some damn good eggs to justify the price.

Furthermore, none of the price goes into the cooking of these eggs as they are served raw and still in their shells. If you’re unfamiliar with Japanese cuisine, there is a common dish known as tamago kake gohan or TKG for short, which is basically a raw egg on a bowl of rice. It’s a very widely eaten food in homes all over Japan.

And this is the way that Kisaburo Farm’s all-you-can-eat eggs work. You can order a set meal with rice, miso soup, and pickles for 730 yen, or you can pay 1,200 yen ($10) and get unlimited rice as well. Mr. Sato ordered the cheaper set but soon after felt a pang of buyer’s remorse: How would he eat all these eggs without the rice to go with it?

Dismayed but still motivated by his curiosity over what makes these eggs special he began to sample each one.

#1 Sunset Eggs
(from Kurakucho, Gunma)

Mr. Sato’s first choice was the egg that Kisaburo Farm uses in their rice bowls and is famous for its dark orange yolk resembling the hue of a sunset.

Sure enough, when he cracked the egg, the yolk that emerged had a tinge of impending dusk. Everything about this egg, from the color to the shape to the glossiness of it, was perfect. It was so nice to look at, it felt like a waste to eat it.

When he mixed it in with the rice he got a visual kick from the contrasting colors and this egg had a sweetness to it that made the rice go down quickly. Unfortunately that meant Mr. Sato would have to order another bowl.

#2 Rice Eggs
(Tendo, Yamagata)

Staring at the sign for his next egg experience, Mr. Sato thought, “What the hell is a rice egg?” According to the description, the chickens who laid these eggs were fed rice instead of corn. The white shells of these eggs, compared to the others, certainly indicated that.

However, that wasn’t the only thing white about these eggs. He cracked it open and the yolk was white! That was not at all what he expected and his immediate thought was what to call the “egg whites” when using these.

On rice, these eggs had a very mild and light taste. It felt very elegant to eat and he would really like to try them fried, especially to see how the yolks would look. Would they turn invisible?

#3 Herb Eggs
(Hokuto, Yamanashi)

These next eggs came from hens given pesticide-free feed mixed with a blend of 33 types of herbs. Mr. Sato sighed at the thought of adding another bowl of rice to his bill, but he had to try these out.

Compared to the visual shock of the rice eggs, these were rather plain with a familiar yellow yolk.

However, when he slid it onto a bowl of rice, the presentation was exquisite! It was like a work of art. You know how restaurants often show gorgeous pictures of food in their ads, but the real thing never looks quite the same? Well, this bowl of tamago kake gohan looked straight out of a magazine.

The taste was much sweeter than regular eggs as well. Mr. Sato could see these giving a really nice boost of sweetness when used in baking or making pancakes.

#4 Yuzu Eggs
(Nankokushi, Kochi)

Although RocketNews24 had reported on the legendary eggs that smell like the citrus fruit yuzu before, this was Mr. Sato’s first encounter with them. These come from chickens that have eaten the peels of yuzu in their feed. Even without breaking it, he could get a whiff of citrus scent from these eggs.

After cracking, an even stronger citrus smell came out! It was very refreshing and appetizing, inviting him to dig in. The appearance was very usual, however.

One little surprise remained when he put the egg on rice; the egg white actually had a yellow tinge to it. The smell of yuzu, combined with the smooth texture of the egg, was an interesting and original sensation for Mr. Sato. It’s amazing what a difference a hen’s feed makes in the taste of its eggs.

#5 Dewa No Sato Meisui Akagara
(Tendo, Yamagata)

The final egg in Mr. Sato’s buffet was produced by chickens fed with herbs and lactic acid bacteria. Our reporter was surprised that hens ate lactic acid bacteria and wondered if it could actually function inside a chicken’s digestive system.

In stark contrast to the yuzu egg, these eggs had no scent at all. Not that eggs are particularly pungent, but they usually have a little musky essence to them. These, however, were totally odorless. Mr. Sato suspected this had something to do with the lactic acid bacteria but couldn’t be sure.

These eggs also had a dark yolk that looked very impressive on a bowl of yet another costly bowl of rice. Mr. Sato began to really appreciate how the look of a dish can affect one’s enjoyment of it. Tamago kake gohan is a rather plain, everyday food akin to a peanut butter and jelly sandwich in the U.S., but this afternoon in Kisaburo Farm they all looked like works of art. This final egg had a mild flavor to it and would probably work very well in an omelet, especially with the vivid orange yolk.

While each egg available could be called a “truly delicious” egg, Mr. Sato would have to give best-in-show to the yuzu egg. The addition of a citrus aroma was not only novel but really boosted the overall eating experience.

So if you’re in the Tokyo area and would like to gain a whole new appreciation for eggs, be sure to stop by Kisaburo Farm at the location given below!

Restaurant Information
Kisaburo Farm / 喜三郎農場
Address: Tokyo-to, Bunkyo-ku, Sengoku 1-23-11
Open: 11:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m., 5:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. / Weekends and Holidays 11:30 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.

Original article by Mr. Sato
Photos: RocketNews24



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