Famous Japanese “talent” Becky to appear on special Fuji TV New Year’s program


Joining her will be famed educator Hirotada Ototake, who was also caught up in a scandal this year.

Japanese “talent” Becky, whose affair with musician Enon Kawatani made headlines and subsequently got her banned from Japanese television for several months, will make an appearance as commentator for a New Year’s Day special of Fuji TV’s program Wide na Show.

Alongside her will be Hirotada Ototake, who this year dealt with a scandal of his own when it was revealed in March by a tabloid magazine that he’d had affairs with five different women since the birth of his oldest son in 1998. Ototake is a famed educator and author, born without any arms or legs due to tetra-amelia syndrome. Before the scandal, the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan had considered Ototake to run in the summer 2016 upper house elections.

▼ Hirotada Ototake

The two will appear on Wide na Show: Gantan SP (New Year’s Day Special) as guest commentators. For Ototake, this will be his first time back on the program as a commentator since February, though Becky’s last appearance on the same program was only back in October. She has been back in the entertainment world since she made her first official reappearance on the program Full Chorus – Music is Full Chorus this past summer.

Topics expected to be covered on the special New Year’s program include outlooks for the world of show business in the coming year, sudden changes of major world leaders including the new U.S. president-elect Donald Trump, and a number of other various topics. The program will air in Japan on January 1, 2017 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.

If you are more familiar with American TV, here’s a random fun-fact: Becky’s sister, Jessica Rabone, was in season 12 of So You Think You Can Dance! While Jessica has all the moves to rival a Japanese hip-hop trio, Becky looks content to set her goals on redeeming herself in the eyes of the Japanese public with more frequent appearances on local television programs.

Source: Yahoo!News Japan 
References: Wikipedia, Japan Today 
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