Happy New Year from RocketNews24!


Ordinarily, Japan has no problem working itself to the bone. That’s not the case at the start of the year, though, as the nation pauses to catch its breath and charge up for the months to come by visiting relatives, leisurely reading New Year’s cardseating osechi, and buying lucky bags.

While we at RocketNews24 like to think of ourselves as proficient multitaskers, even we’re not capable of getting much work done as we use both hands to stuff our faces with food or carry as many shopping bags as possible, and so we’ll be slowing down a bit as we take advantage of one of the few times Japan relaxes its hard-line stance against anything remotely resembling laziness. We hope you all get to do the same, regardless of where in the world you are.

Thanks for reading, and we hope to have even more great stuff for you whenever you visit our site in 2017!



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