Pony runs through Shibuya after escaping pet shop 【Video】

This little guy was keen for a bit of horsing around in Tokyo!

Tokyo police last Thursday received an emergency phone call from one concerned citizen regarding a four-legged fugitive. According to news reports, the caller warned police that “there is a pony walking around!”

One Twitter user posted a video of the escapee, which you can check out below:

“I couldn’t believe my eyes… I’m in Shibuya now.”

The poor pony seems to be slightly lost as it turns around towards the camera and trots down the street.

The police eventually found the pony “eating grass” inside the Kokugakuin University Shibuya campus grounds. A staff member at the university said the pony, “wasn’t making any noise or being aggressive, it was just quietly munching on the lawn”.

▼ The entrance of Kokugakuin University where the pony may have trotted through


The pony had reportedly escaped from a pet shop within one kilometer of Kokugakuin University but the police are still unsure how the animal enclosure was unlocked – perhaps someone just forget to lock up after themselves?

Fortunately the pony was returned unharmed. Some lucky little girl still may get her Christmas wish yet.

Here is what people have been saying online about the pony’s brush with freedom:

“I can’t believe a pony is being sold in a pet shop.”
“I can just see it running through Shibuya scramble crossing.”
“It was cuter than I imagined.”
“This could be the title of a novel.”
“Everyone wants to go outside occasionally, don’t they?”

Let’s hope we don’t see any more animal escapes any time soon – maybe just fake ones like this ape escape a couple of years ago from Ueno Zoo.

Source: Twitter/@enna_gic via LiveDoor
Featured image: Twitter/@enna_gic
Insert image: Wikipedia/Ocdp



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