【Lucky Bag Roundup 2017】Baskin Robbins delights with a Happy Bag of ice cream-themed goods


Snoopy is also on hand to join in with the sweet celebrations.

Baskin Robbins has such a huge following in Japan that it’s not uncommon to see queues of customers stretching outside their doors in summer. Despite having a thousand outlets across the country though, the world-famous ice cream chain is known locally as “Thirty-one Ice Cream” or simply “31”, so this year’s lucky grab bag, with its prominent Baskin Robbins branding, is like an education in company details. If learning looks this good though, then count us in because everything in this fukubukuro is bright, playful and filled with sweet features that will delight the socks off ice cream lovers.


The lucky bag instantly gives back 100 percent of its 2,000 yen (US$17.04) retail price to customers in the form of four 500 yen gift vouchers.


As an added bonus, they’ve thrown in some sweet-looking merchandise, which includes a chopping board so thin it’s probably only good for slicing up ice cream. Or perhaps for using as a base to experiment with a variety of yummy mix-ins, à la Cold Stone Creamery.


▼ There’s also a cute cloth storage box, featuring Woodstock and Snoopy enjoying a tripe scoop ice cream.


▼ And a pair of delicious-looking socks so you can feel like you’re walking around with mint chocolate chip ice cream on your feet.



▼ Our favourite item, however, was this gorgeous deck of ice cream cards!


While the ice cream vouchers in this year’s Baskin Robbins fukubukuro definitely won’t go to waste, it’s the merchandise in this bag that won us over, with all of its delicious little details. Still, we can’t decide whether we prefer this year’s bag to last year’s one. Which one did it for you?

Photos © RocketNews24



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