【Lucky Bag Roundup 2017】Mr. Sato and his crew model 12 outfits from this year’s GAP fukubukuro


These perfect poster boys pose for a self-chosen GAP collection that costs less than 10 bucks per item!

When the New Year rolls around, our Japanese-language reporters head off to stores around town to see what types of fukubukuro “lucky bag” finds they can discover, before bringing their bounty back to the office to discuss and compare contents. This year, Mr. Sato decided to try his luck at the GAP store, and he was so excited by what he found that he couldn’t wait to share his treasure with the reporters who were diligently working in the office over New Year.

According to Mr. Sato, when he arrived at GAP, there wasn’t a lucky bag in sight. That’s because they were inviting customers to create their own special fukubukuro by giving them two hours to select items from the racks and shelves in-store. Customers could either select five items for 5,000 yen (US$42.30) or 12 items for 10,000 yen.


Needless to say, Mr. Sato was soon running around like a kid in a candy store, picking out some of the more expensive items in an effort to get the best value for money possible. At the end of his shopping spree, he’d managed to collect a dozen pieces of clothing that came to a total of 21,880 yen. At the register, this was all reduced to a very reasonable 10,000 yen.


▼ This loooong receipt equates to a lot of discounts.


Showing his savvy eye for creating outfits, these are the twelve items that Mr. Sato came back with, which included a selection of pants, shirts and jackets. Having paid just 10,000 yen for everything here, that meant each of these pieces cost less than 10 bucks!


Eager to show off the great deal he’d found, Mr. Sato immediately cajoled his male colleagues into helping him put on a mini fashion show in the office. Needless to say, they needed no encouragement, stripping off their work clothes and slipping into the Sato collection before slaying it with a number of cool, model-like poses.

▼ Here we have P.K. Sanjun modelling a plaid button-up shirt and a pair of dark-wash jeans. Too cool for most things, P.K. slings the jacket over his shoulder while creating a sleek silhouette.





▼ Seiji Nakazawa imagines he’s filming the intro to a TV sitcom by giving the camera his best dose of fake laughter. He’s dressed in a pair of jeans, a red plaid shirt and a comfy cardigan.





▼ Go Hattori shows us how to look like a boss while rocking a grey hoodie, a denim shirt and a pair of green chinos.





▼ Last but certainly not least, Mr. Sato pulls a wistful pose while dressed in his newly acquired jeans, shirt and warm puffy jacket.





▼Go team! It’s hard to believe that each of these reporters is dressed in just 3,000 yen worth of clothes.


▼ Don’t be surprised if the boys use this photo for their nengajo cards next year!


According to Mr. Sato, this is one of the best lucky bag deals you’ll find this year. The most expensive item he purchased was one of the shirts, which cost 4,990 yen but this was reduced to just 1,565 yen after the discounted price adjustment at the register. If you want to dress like a RocketNews24 Japanese-language reporter, now you know where to shop next year!

Photos © RocketNews24



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