This 12-tie series lets you wear Japan’s history around your neck, from the Jomon to Meiji era

A perfect gift for the history buff in your life!

Part of the draw of modern-day Japan is that the culture is still steeped with aspects of its rich history. Even those not extremely familiar with the details can probably make mention of samurai warlords and the country’s period of isolation.

If you have an interest in Japanese history, then you’re sure to enjoy this new 12-tie series, with each tie featuring a different period from the BC-era Jomon to the turn-of-the-20th-century Meiji. Let’s take a look at them below.

▼ Prologue

The first tie in the series features a a timeline of Japan’s history, including the years of the different eras and specific ground-breaking events.

▼ Jomon-Yayoi period

The Jomon-Yayoi period (300 BC to 300 AD) tie has a well-balanced motif of earthenware, rice crop, and other symbols that marked the beginning of Japan’s known history.

▼ Asuka period

The Asuka period, which took place from 550 AD to 700 AD, is represented by the twelve colors of the Twelve Level Cap and Rank System (Kan’i Jūnikai) for government officials of the time, and symbols of the Asuka Great Buddha and Japan’s envoy ships bound for Sui dynasty China.

▼ Nara period

The Nara period (710 to 794) tie features important treasures of cultural heritage that mark the time, like Nara’s Great Buddha, five-stringed Biwa instruments, and the first currency minted in Japan, called the wadoukaichin.

Heian period

Japan’s Heian period (794 – 1184) marks the beginning of the use of the kana syllabary (phonetic symbols which are used alongside Chinese kanji characters), which are represented here on karuta playing cards.

▼ Kamakura period

This tie features some of the weaponry from the Kamakura period (1185 – 1333), including katana, naginata, bow and arrows, and gallantly galloping war horses.

▼ Special edition-Sengoku

The Sengoku era marks a period of civil unrest in Japan, which lasted from 1467 to 1567, and is represented on this “special edition” tie by various helmets worn by great war commanders of the time.

▼ Azuchi-Momoyama period

During the Azuchi-Momoyama period from 1558 to 1600, many new items and ideals were imported to Japan through trade with western Europe. Christian crosses, guns, wine, tomatoes, and castella cakes make up the motif of this tie.

▼ Edo period-early years

The early years of the Edo period (the entirety of which took place from 1603 to 1868) is marked by the procession of the daimyo, provincial lords who were subordinates to the shogun.

▼ Edo period-middle years

The lively energy of the mid-Edo era is represented by the enjoyment of ukiyoe prints, sumo wrestling tournaments, and food stalls of tasty fried shrimp.

▼ Edo period-latter years

The end of the Edo period also marked the end of Japan’s “closed country” edict, with the arrival of Commodore Perry and his black ships opening the country again to trade and outside influence.

▼ Meiji period

The last tie in the series shows the western influences that shaped Japanese life in the Meiji period (1868-1912). Trains, gas street lights, and western-style buildings and clothing make up the design of this tie.

The ties come with a rather hefty price tag, at 13,608 yen (US$120) each including taxes and shipping, and totaling 163,296 yen for the entire set. However, the ties are of high quality, produced by Ginza-based apparel shop TAYA, so if you’d like to show off your love of Japanese history by wearing it around your neck, you’d better hurry and pre-order now. The order deadline is April 30, and the ties will be shipped one per month from the end of May.

Source, images: Light Up Shopping Club via NetoLabo
Top image: Light Up Shopping Club (edited by RocketNews24)
Insert images: Light Up Shopping Club



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