Watch How This Woman Turned Her Passion For Fashion Into A Career

We all have that dream (you know the one) where we quit our mundane desk job in a viral video-worthy display of empowerment and embark on a life spent following our truest and deepest passions.

Sounds familiar, right?

To most of us, this idea of breaking free from the monotony of corporate life and making a living doing what we love has always been a fantasy — inspirational, sure, but never really aspirational.

It’s a dream that, for many people, only exists in the back of our heads and in the depths of our hearts.

But what happens when some brave soul puts her money where her mouth is and actually turns this dream into a reality?

Enter Krystal Bick, blogger extraordinaire (and basically our career spirit animal, TBH).

This New Yorker lived out everyone’s secret wish when she left her cushy corporate life behind to work for herself as the mastermind behind the popular style and travel blog, This Time Tomorrow.

Um, can you say #goals?

We teamed up with Krystal for a heavy dose of real talk. We found out how she went about making this 180-degree life change, we heard about the challenges and the triumphs that she faces on the daily and we learned what it really means to have true ownership over your own story.

Watch this video to get a glimpse into the day-to-day life of a real-world fashion influencer who took the ultimate career risk — and never looked back.

Prepare to be seriously inspired.

Watch How This Woman Turned Her Passion For Fashion Into A Career

Credit: Women – Elite Daily


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