Japanese parents show the silly results of their children sobbing into cushions

Sometimes we all need a good cry. And sometimes, it seems, so do our pillows.

If you spend any amount of time around young children, as darling as they might be, you are sure to soon realize how quickly their joyous smiling faces can twist into ones of relentless wailing and tears. The trigger could be anything – that they put their own sock on wrong side up or so-and-so got to play on the swing longer than they did – or it could be absolutely nothing at all. Some kids are consolable, while others just need to be left on their own for a bit to get it all out.

For Twitter parent @neeeek01, his eldest, a five-year-old boy, just needed a good cry into a cushion. Tears turned to laughter in the end, when the boy pulled his face away from the cushion to find the cushion crying back at him.

▼ “What happened when my oldest boy sat crying into a cushion lol”

The result was a face on the giant green cushion made by @neeeek01’s son’s tears, complete with eyebrows, a hint of a mouth, and big eyes welled up with tears of its own.

The funny photo quickly made the rounds on Twitter, when it was picked up by another parent who experienced an eerily similar situation.

▼ “In the past my daughter did the same thing on a similar cushion lolol.”

As it turns out, both parents bought their green cushions at the large, nationwide home furnishing store Nitori. “They’re just right for burying your face in, aren’t they?” @kievowmam remarked.

But these two weren’t alone. Still others chimed into the comments, sharing evidence of snotty, tear-stained faces appearing on various surfaces.

▼ “It’s not a cushion, but my daughter did the same thing lol.”

▼ “This is after my super-cute girlfriend cried. The same thing happened lol! (So ugly) LMAO”

▼ “Four years ago when my kid was two, she cried face-down on the floor and left this on the carpet.”

Whatever caused all of these children (and a girlfriend) such upset, hopefully they felt better after a good cry and were able to look back on their tears and laugh.

Source, top image: Twitter/@neeeek01



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