Poké Ball mobile battery will keep your phone fully charged for all this summer’s Pokémon fun

Pikachu, of course, is also part of the electricity-delivering options.

While there’s no Pokémon video game scheduled for release this summer, fans of the franchise still have plenty to get excited about. In what’s become an annual event, packs of Pikachus will be overrunning the city of Yokohama in August, and even earlier than that the newly redesigned Pokémon Train goes into service in midsummer.

So with so many prime photo and video opportunities coming up, plus the rumors of new Pocket Monsters possibly being added soon to hit mobile game Pokémon GO, odds are you’re going to be whipping your smartphone out pretty often. But the Pokémon franchise is taking responsibility for its likely transgression of draining your phone’s battery by giving you an awesome-looking way to refill it.

The Monster Ball Mobile Battery looks just like a Poké Ball, the Pokémon Trainer essential that’s called a “Monster Ball” in Japan. It’s designed to hold a 10,000-amp hour charge, a capacity the manufacturer claims is large enough to fully repower the average smartphone battery four times.

Alternatively, if you’re of the mindset that any and all Pokémon merchandise should bear the likeness of Pikachu (which is an entirely reasonable conviction), there’s also the Pokémon Mobile Battery Pikachu. Oddly enough, despite Pikachu being an electric-type Pocket Monster, his battery only holds 5,200 amp hours.

The Pikachu battery is both the cuter and more economical choice, however. While it’s got a little more than half the capacity of the Poké Ball battery, the 2,400-yen (US$21.50) costs exactly half the price of the 4,800-yen Poké Ball.

Both batteries go on sale June 10 and can be purchased at Pokémon Center megastores, the Pokémon Center Online Shop, and through Amazon Japan. Given the problem that occurred the last time the Pokémon franchise branched out into the mobile battery business, odds are these new models have gone through rigorous safety testing, so hopefully the only potential hiccup when using them is not getting the 10,000-amp hour one mixed up with your Poké Ball breath mint case.

Related: Pokémon Center location list, Pokémon Center Online, Amazon Japan Pokémon Store
Source: Pokémon official website via IT Media
Images: Pokémon official website



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