Adorable Fraternity Brothers Fall In Love, Get Married, Proving Love Is Real

Sometimes, when life seems bleak, you need to focus on the positive like pictures of otters, or the fact that ice cream exists. Or this gif of a mini-pig playing with a dog.

Watching others experience joy is a reminder: sometimes things aren't great, but there are great things.

Enter Adrian Homer and Harrison Guy.

The two met at Prairie View A&M University near Houston, Texas, according to NBC News, when Homer, as a senior, decided to join Delta Phi Upsilon, a fraternity for gay men of color. Guy, as a PVAMU and Delta Phi alumnus, was assigned as his mentor.

What started as a mentor-mentee relationship quickly grew into more — and the pair got married this past spring after 10 years together.

But the story gets even better. Guy's proposal was straight out of a sappy romance film.

We went to eat at a jazz restaurant, and we got on a 
horse and carriage, and once we got to the gazebo, [Homer] saw the rose petals on 
the floor. The rose petals led up to the gazebo, and there was a guy 
singing a John Legend song with an acoustic guitar and two male dancers. I 
proposed to him in that moment.

To boot, their mothers walked them down the aisle, and they capped off their wedding ceremony by crowning each other.

Their relationship feels like one of those stories concocted for the sole purpose of selling moving tickets and making money. It is that warm and fuzzy, bordering on saccharine kind of tale. But it doesn't feature straight white people, like most romances and romcoms.

Homer and Guy told NBC News that they think “their story has attracted attention 
due to the lack of representation of black, gay love” in the media.

Too often, marginalized communities are told — via government policy and cultural bigotry — that their lives are worth little. That these two found love through a group that is meant as a safe space for a marginalized community is, in and of itself, heartening.

They also took time, during the ceremony, to pay tribute to their friend Chyna Gibson, a transgender woman of color who was murdered earlier this year.

Life in the U.S. can feel particularly bleak right now. It's hard to drown out the near-constant drone of threats to healthcare and national security, of vitriolic political discourse, of the seemingly unstoppable forces of climate change. It's a world where that's just life: Suffering. Misery. Discord.

But also: Love. Openness. Celebration.

Homer and Guy's story is a reminder that this really is a fine old world, and it's not just nice, but essential to remember that.

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Adorable Fraternity Brothers Fall In Love, Get Married, Proving Love Is Real

Credit: Dating – Elite Daily


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