Commercial reveals what some LGBT individuals go through in Japan

Is the LGBT mindset in Japan any different from other countries?

Rights for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people have seen improvements in Japan, with same-sex couples recognized by Sapporo and a few wards in Tokyo. Recognition comes in the form of legally non-binding certificates, which allow couples to be treated as if they’re married when it comes to things like life insurance or apartment rentals.

It is far from sufficient though, and in an effort to raise awareness and promote LGBT rights, Tokai Television Broadcasting produced a series of commercials that lets us peek into the minds of a few of these individuals.

▼ All they want is to live happily together.

Preferring to be anonymous, these two have been in a relationship for eight years, and they aren’t afraid to list each other’s good qualities on camera. When asked what they think about marriage, the answer is simple: if a proper marriage system is in place that brings them on par with the rest of the world, they’ll tie the knot in a heartbeat.

▼ After that, we meet Fumino Sugiyama who was born a girl.

Fumino Sugiyama is a transgender activist who recalls bursting into tears when his parents made him wear a skirt during a kindergarten entrance ceremony. His father always worried over his choices, but ultimately realized that everyone’s path is different, and that Fumino should live a life of his own.

▼ Next up is Satsuki Nishihara, a transgender model.

Satsuki Nishihara thought of throwing her life away if she had to continue living as a man, and as such she understands the suffering and discrimination that transgenders go through. A contestant of Miss International Queen 2015, Satsuki hopes to see the day when LGBT minorities get the same support and privileges as everyone else.

▼ Then we meet gay bar owner, Mitsuaki Kishida.

As the proprietor of a gay establishment in Shinjuku, Mitsuaki Kishida comments that the world reels whenever lesbians and gays come out for the first time, to the point where it’s not normal at all. “Just what is normal love?” Mitsuaki muses, wondering what it would be like if straight people were the minority instead.

▼ Lastly, Ema broke into tears of relief
when her mother accepted her for who she was.

Ema struggled for the longest time, but finally summoned the courage to come out to her mother. Admitting that she liked girls was one thing, but facing potential rejection from family was another, and it terrified Ema to no end. Fortunately, her mother is actually glad that Ema came to terms with her sexuality. As long as her daughter’s happy, she’s happy too.

Japan has not fully caught up with many other countries when it comes to recognition of LGBT rights. But the situation is improving, with the country’s leading property website offering support in finding compassionate landlords, though not as fast as one would have hoped. These people definitely deserve chances just like the rest of us. After all, they’re not so different from you and me.

Source: YouTube/tokaitvbroadcasting via Genxy
Images: YouTube/tokaitvbroadcasting



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