Korean illusion artist Dain Yoon’s work will make you question reality【Photos】

Let’s just say I’ve had to do a lot of double takes when writing this article.

Korean artist Dain Yoon has been rising in popularity (boasting over 1.4 million followers on Instagram) due to her illusion body art. When you think of body art, you might think of costume makeup or just painting different parts of your body in elaborate designs, but trust me when I say that Dain Yoon’s body art is on a completely different level.

The Korean artist specializes in creating optical illusions with watercolor, adding extra eyes or even extra faces so flawlessly that your eye lingers not only to take in all the detail, but also to figure out what’s reality and what’s not.

▼ One of these faces is not like the others.

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▼ She also becomes one with the scenery in her photos, painting her face and even neckline in excruciating detail.

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One wonders how she could not only paint this kind of endlessly seam-creating detail, but also how she can stay so still while painting.

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Dain Yoon doesn’t limit body art to her neckline and up; her hands also play a vital part in being a canvas and creating additional illusions.

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According to the profile on her official portfolio website, Dain Yoon’s inspiration comes from her “fascination with the complexity of human beings.” She strives to express the different facets and diversity of humankind, as well as her own personal impressions of the people in her life.

▼ We’d like to know who (or what) inspired this one…

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In May, she successfully held her first solo exhibition at Seoul Arts Center, utilizing both human canvases and prints of her previous work.

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We’ll have to keep our eyes out for more of her amazing work (pun fully intended).

Sources: Kotaro 269, Dain Yoon official site
Featured image: Instagram/designdain



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