These 6 Subtle Tricks For Making Your Crush Jealous Are Too Good To Pass Up

I'm a big fan of crushes. I love it when my heart beats rapidly and it is due to a cute person and not a casual anxiety attack.

A good crush is like an ice cream cone in the summer. Having one is super sweet and delectable, but you have to lick fast before it melts away (or finds another person to flirt with).

While I don't suggest licking your crush, I do suggest acting quickly when it comes to catching their attention. I also recommend playing some games. Games are kosher because you are in a crush, not a relationship. It's OK to be strategic.

The best way to get your crush to pay attention to you is to remind them you are super desirable and awesome. Making your crush jealous is a really great way to do that. Here are six subtle tricks I have to make my many crushes green with envy/desire.

1. Flirt With Someone Else

Seems counterintuitive, but works like a charm.  At a coffee shop with your crush? Compliment the barista on his glasses. Get introduced to your crush's best friend at a work happy hour? Buy that BFF a beer.

You're not dating them (yet), so you can be a player and also crush a lot.

2. Act Like You Give Zero Fs

If you want to make your crush jealous, don't find weird ways to share a cab with your crush, don't immediately reply to their Gchats during the work day, and don't invite them out to lunch.

Do walk by them on your way out to lunch and speak loudly about the date you have that night.

3. Talk About All Of Your Dates

When a crush tells me about a date they went on, I initially feel deflated. When they tell me it was just “meh,” I suddenly feel like “whoa, this person is a catch and they are single and other people want their bod, so I am going to get after this immediately.”

Tell your crush about last night's date, and it will put the image of spending time alone with you in their mind. Feeling extra extra? Ask them to help you sort through your Bumble matches.

4. Set An Instagram Thirst Trap

You know that outfit you love wearing and always get compliments on? Put that on your body and then put it onto Instagram. It's summer, so a picture of you at the beach in a one-piece is totes appropriate.

Your crush will be like, “Yo, that is a confident and radiant goddess, and I dig it.”

Use thirst traps sparingly. There's no intrigue if you're posting sultry selfies on the regular. You just seem like a narcissism-monster.

5. Don't Reply To Their Text, But Post An Insta Story

I'm not going to pretend to adult: Being childish works when it comes to peaking a crush's curiosity.

If my boyfriend didn't reply to a text, but put up a Snap story, I would blacklist him. If my crush missed my text, but was all over social media, I'd be all, “I need to be part of that popular person's life.”

That's just the way it is.

6. Post Pictures With Other Cuties

And be really ambiguous about what your relationship status with them is.

The amount it looks like you could be dating that person in your photo is directly proportional to the likelihood your crush will text you saying, “What are you up to tonight?”

Plus, it will look like you are living your life and having fun. Fun people are hot.

It would seem that we are all human beings and we are not at all evolved. We like winning, and when we feel jealous that someone else might get our prize, it's like a call to action.

Doing subtle things to show your crush that you are in demand will help initially get their attention, but once you actually go on a date or real feels start happening, cut the BS and be real.

Vulnerability trumps playing games when it comes to actual relationships, so indulge in mentioning your ex-boyfriend once a sentence while the two of you are just crushing on each other.

When things heat up and go from crush to cradling each other every night, remind yourself that you've already got your person, and there's no need to keep making them jealous.

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These 6 Subtle Tricks For Making Your Crush Jealous Are Too Good To Pass Up

Credit: Dating – Elite Daily


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