Tinder Matches Who Avoided Each Other For Years Finally Met On ‘GMA' And It's So Cute

In case you missed the buzz about this story a little while back, Kent State University students Josh Avsec and Michelle Arendas matched on Tinder THREE years ago and they just met for the first time on Good Morning America yesterday.

Up until now, Josh And Michelle kept a hilarious joke going on Tinder, where they'd only send each other sarcastic, flirty comments every few months, joking about how busy they were. But yesterday, the joke finally came to an end when the two came face to face in front of a live TV audience.

Yep, before the two set off for a trip to Maui, which Tinder offered to pay for when they found out about the story, Josh and Michelle even snagged an invite to go on Good Morning America.

Needless to say, Josh and Michelle were pumped.

The two were kept separated while they answered the same questions until, finally, they met!

The show's co-hosts asked Josh and Michelle the same questions, and — you guessed it — they have a LOT in common. They both share a love for The Office, and they were a little too fast to come up with their go-to karaoke songs.

Finally, they were allowed to walk past the wall and meet each other for the first time, where sparks obviously went flying between them.

Check out the full video for yourself here:

SO DANG CUTE. Now, let's just hope they stay this cute during their Maui trip.

But wait a minute — how did this all happen? Well, time for a little backstory.

As if their story wasn't millennial enough already, Josh decided to take their three-year-long sarcastic conversation and post it on Twitter. Check it out for yourself here:

(Warning: It's pretty hilarious)

Much to Josh's surprise, his tweet ended up going viral, so viral that Tinder noticed what was happening and offered them a free trip anywhere in the world for their first date. But this time, Tinder demanded they take less than three years to make a decision.

The two agreed on Maui, and Tinder told them to pack their bags because THEY'RE GOING.

Before they hit the sandy beaches of Hawaii, however, Michelle and Josh were asked to take one quick pit stop in New York, so the pair could be on Good Morning America, and the rest is history.

Even if it doesn't end up working out for Josh and her, Michelle hopes her newfound fame can be used to go toward something positive.

Just yesterday, she shot out a few tweets encouraging people to donate to some of her favorite charities.

If you can, do our girl Michelle a huge solid and donate to one of her causes.

And for now, let's just sit back and hope Josh and Michelle come back from Hawaii married or something.

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Tinder Matches Who Avoided Each Other For Years Finally Met On ‘GMA' And It's So Cute

Credit: Dating – Elite Daily


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