All about those soles – Tokyo photo exhibition is dedicated to lovely ladies’ exposed feet

100 photos part of extremely specialized photography display that promises “peculiar immorality.” 

Modern technology means that anyone can grab a camera, press a button, and take a picture. Such casual snapshots won’t do as a form of artistic expression for trained professionals, however.

No, pros like photographer Yuki Yuzawa put their souls into their photos…and in Yuzawa’s case, he also puts other people’s soles into them. Yuzawa’s particular sensibilities will be on full display in his upcoming exhibition, called That Girl’s Soles, which will be taking place later this month in Tokyo.

Billed as Japan’s first ever exhibition focused on the soles of women’s feet, the event will showcase 100 of Yuzawa’s photos, steeped in what the official website calls “the peculiar immorality of asking someone to show you her soles, as opposed to her naked body,” and, in marginally more wholesome terms, the “vibrantly cheerful, fresh-faced, and lithe coquettishness” of the photos’ subjects, who include models Yuki Yuzawa and Kokona Yutzuki.

▼ While the photos cover a variety of outfits, poses, and locations, all of them feature barefoot soles.

Guests are asked to remove their shoes as they enter the venue at Higashi Nihonbashi neighborhood’s art gallery Yellow House. Much like with last spring’s World of Thigh Photography exhibition, though, That Girl’s Soles will be taking place for only a very limited time, from August 14 to 20.

Event information
That Girl’s Soles Photo Exhibition / あのこのあしうら写真展
Venue: Yellow House / イエローハウス
Address: Tokyo-to, Chuo-ku, Nihonbashi Hisamatsucho 3-1
Open 11 a.m.-8:30 p.m. (August 14-20)
Admission: 500 yen

Source: IT Media, Value Press
Images: That Girl’s Soles Photo Exhibition official website



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