“Graveyard of the Traffic Signals” found in Nagoya

Where do bad lights go when they dieeeee? ♫ They don’t go to heaven where the angels flyyyyyy ♫ They go to… Nagoya.

Have you ever wondered what happens to traffic lights when they die? Actually, I never have. I always just assumed they were immortal because I’ve never seen one die. In all the places I lived they were about as permanent a fixture as the paper boy or the unmarked van parked just outside.

Even in movies I don’t think I’ve ever seen a stoplight take a bullet, which is strange. I’ve seen just about everything else get shot in a movie at one point or another from regular streetlights to garden gnomes. Of course plenty have been obliterated by meteors, transformers, and whatever else Michael Bay can CGI up, but in those cases there’s no real point in wondering what happens to the vaporized stop lights.

Anyway, I digress. The point is that someone had recently discovered the nexus of the universe (or central Aichi at least) where fallen traffic signals go for eternal slumber. Twitter user Kosuke posted photos of this sacred place and dubbed it: Shingoki No Hakaba (Graveyard of the Traffic Signals).

Not only was Kosuke nice enough to provide gorgeous images of the graveyard, but he also revealed its location: next to a police box just south of the Nagoya Fire Department Fifth Special Fire Brigade headquarters and just a few hundred meters east of Legoland.

The yard contains all types of traffic lights from pedestrian signals to perhaps even the occasional rail crossing. Some folks even say that on certain evenings you can still hear the bee-boo, bee-boo, bee-boo, of the souls of these lights…which is really probably just the fully functioning crosswalk up the road – but it’s still spooky.

This prompted people to share some other final resting places for inanimate objects like the land of the undead bus stops…

Or the watery grave of deceased toilet bowls.

But the Graveyard of the Traffic Signals is perhaps the most impressive; not so surprising considering Japan’s affinity for red lights. According to the following video by Nissan, Japan has the highest density of traffic lights in the world.

The video also points out that of all prefectures, Aichi – where this graveyard is located – has the second most traffic lights, at 13,307 behind the number one, Tokyo with 15,772.

So just chalk all that up as another reason to visit Nagoya! Come for the world famous handmade candy and Legoland. Stay for the unique scrap yards and constantly interrupted driving.

Source, featured image: Twitter/@DenshaKosuke



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