Heart-meltingly adorable kitten twins share bed, and Internet’s love【Videos】

There were two in the bed, and the little one said… “Meow”, or perhaps “Nyah”.

There is no shortage of cute animals on the Internet, but two twin kittens, Ameri and Canure are surely contenders for first place. The pair, born in February this year, can be seen snuggling up together in their IKEA miniature bed, with looks of pure bliss.

It’s easy to relate to the expressions on the faces of the two kittens, splayed out in a very human-like position with a look of satisfied exhaustion. Who amongst us hasn’t collapsed into bed tired but happy after a busy day of playing with string, lulled to sleep with a bedtime story? Or felt the same euphoria at waking up and realising it’s a day off.

The two don’t spend all their time sleeping though, or at least one of them doesn’t, as Ameri is ready to play while Canure is having none of it.

The two kittens, and their handsome older acquaintance, Sora, are the stars of their very own Twitter account, @SoraAmeCane and can be see here at their morning repast, with their very own dining tables. Perhaps they’re still a little young to have mastered cutlery.

Ameri and Canure were adopted by their current owner after their original owner gave them away to a pet adoption centre. But they seem to have settled into their new home alright, looking good and feline good. The pair may be making a bid for Japan’s, or the world’s, cutest kittens, but they have some stiff competition from the Inception-esque cat within a cat or Cup-A-Cat.

Featured image: Twitter/@SoraAmeCane



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