Manga book aims to explain Vladimir Putin

Although reportedly popular in his own country, President of Russia Vladimir Putin faces criticism from people in many countries, including Japan.

To explain the world leader’s complex personal history, East Press released the Manga de Wakaru Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin (Understanding Through Manga: Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin) manga book on Monday. Toe Shinme drew the manga, and journalist Kenrō Nagoshi supervised the work.

The manga’s story begins when an editor flies overseas after his boss orders him to make a manga about Putin. He visits various authorities and specialists to uncover the truth about what kind of person Putin is.

Putin is known for his harsh policies in dealing with his enemies. He has been quoted as saying he would even track down and kill terrorists in a bathroom. He is a former KGB foreign intelligence officer and is also known in Japan for having a black belt in judo.

The Russian government is known for its strict law enforcement and heavy punishments for committing crimes. Blogger Ruslan Sokolovsky received a three-and-a-half year suspended sentence after being found guilty of “inciting hatred” and “offending believers’ feelings” after posting video of himself playing Pokémon GO inside a Russian church. However, the sentence was later reduced to two years and three months.

A Russian television network also canceled its airing of an episode of The Simpsonsanimated series that referenced the Pokémon GO case. Various organizations and groups in Russia have also criticized and called for bans on various manga and anime such as Death Note and Ikki Tousen.

Source: Comic Natalie
Images: Amazon Japan

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