North Korea releases new video showing dangerous improvement in their CGI arsenal

Newest video showing the destruction of various American weaponry suggests North Korea may be in possession of functional 3-D modeling software.

Earlier this week North Korea released a propaganda video showing their surface-to-air missiles shooting down a F-35 and B-1B jets as well as the destruction of the aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson.

▼ Although it would appear they are confusing cross hairs with a radar screen…

This is chillingly similar to the video of mass destruction launched by North Korea last year which showed the leveling of various South Korean governmental buildings. It was during this time I predicted North Korea’s intent to attack Guam.

Image: SoraNews24

So, as I did last time, I once again contacted my nephew, who had some unsettling observations about this new video directed at the American military.

Nephew: “You see this scene where the missile seems to miss the plane but it blows up anyway?”

SoraNews24: “Sure.”

Nephew: “Notice anything odd about it?”

SoraNews24: “Aside from the jet blowing up without being hit?”

Nephew: “Yes, unlike the previous video which simply showed photos of the targets. These appear to be three-dimensional CGI figures.”

SoraNews24: “Oh my god, you mean…”

Nephew: “Yes. We can’t dismiss the possibility that North Korea may have a functioning 3DS Max software suite…possibly even Maya.”

If North Korea can skilfully utilize 3-D modeling software, such a tool would be a game-changer in the current name-calling war between Kim Jong-un and Donald Trump. “Rather than calling President Trump a horse’s ass,” explains my nephew, “he could actually make Trump into the likeness of a horse’s butt…the ramifications of which would be devastating.”

On the American side, President Trump is facing similar difficulties making CGI insults as most of Hollywood doesn’t seem to like him very much. This leaves things at a stalemate on the insult front.

My nephew speculates that although North Korea has the equipment, it still requires more processing power to reach America. “Currently, I estimate that it would take them too long to render anything beyond, say, those square guys from the Dire Straits ‘Money for Nothing’ video,” he tells SoraNews24, “so the best they can do at the moment is lash out against rigid geometric objects like planes.”

Let’s go now to Japanese netizens to gauge the effectiveness of North Korea’s cinematic upgrades.

“This is laughably low quality.”
“Hahaha, that looks like s^%t.”
“It’s kind of nostalgic, takes me back to the ’80s when this stuff was everywhere.”
“This is some bottom-grade amateur night-on-YouTube-level stuff.”
“I like it. It eases my fears of North Korea.”

Luckily, it seems that this video could only impress my one-year-old daughter, but the international community must remain vigilant as Kim Jong-un will stop at nothing to achieve his goals of a somewhat decently produced propaganda video. It’s not a matter of if but when.

Source: YouTube/stimmekoreas, DPR Today
Images: YouTube/stimmekoreas (unless otherwise noted) 



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