Optical illusion blows Japanese Twitter’s mind, can you see the “hidden” circles in the squares?

Once you see it you can never un-see it.

Sometimes the Japanese Internet can lag behind the rest of the world’s a little bit. But that makes it all the more fun when they start enjoying things we’ve already seen; it’s like sharing a favorite movie or game with a friend.

This happens often with optical illusions, such as the “red dot illusion” from a while back, and it happened again recently when Japanese Twitter user @kumadapoohsuke posted this illusion that a lot of the non-Japanese Internet is already familiar with:

“Here’s a quiz: there are several circles in this image.
When I saw them I was like, ‘Whoa, aweshum!'”

Have you seen this one before? If not, then you can enjoy it right along with Japanese Twitter too!

The image may look like just twenty squares with borders around them at first glance, but there’s more to it. Go ahead and take another look, and if you still can’t see the circles, then come back for some hints.

  • Hint #1: There are 16 circles in the image.
  • Hint #2: The squares are definitely squares, not “illusion circles” or anything.
  • Hint #3. Take a look at the vertical lines between the squares. Really look at them.

If you still can’t see the circles, then scroll down for the answer via another helpful Twitter user:











▼ One of the circles is outlined in red. There are 15 others
in the same positions between the squares. Aweshum!

Is your mind sufficiently blown? It certainly was for Japanese Twitter. Here’s how they reacted:

“Now that I’ve seen them I can’t un-see them!”
“Oh my god where did those 16 circles come from?!”
“Human eyes are crazy.”
“I don’t see any circles… HEY THERE THEY ARE!”
“Whoa, aweshum.”

“Enh, I’ve seen this one before. It’s easy.”

If you’re in the same boat as that last commentor and this optical illusion is yesterday’s news, then how about checking out these Japanese strawberries that look red, but aren’t? Or this shirt that appears to give a bountiful chest to any wearer? Now that’s a conversation starter!

Source: Twitter/@kumadapoohsuke via My Game News Flash
Featured image: Twitter/@kumadapoohsuke



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