SoraNews24 is looking for a new writer, and it could be you!

Mr. Sato needs you!

You may not know this, but among his many talents, SoraNews24’s crack reporter Mr. Sato is actually clairvoyant. As a matter of fact, just the other day he had his latest vision, which he promptly relayed to us.

“I have seen it,” he began. “The wheel of fate turns, and it foretells of a new arrival to the SoraNews24 writing team! This person will be intelligent, enthusiastic, and with a scent that is pleasant yet never intrusive.”

Eager to hear more, we sat in rapt silence. Mr. Sato paused, either to search the ether or simply for dramatic effect, then parted his lips and continued the prophecy.

“Lo, even as we speak this beacon draws ever nearer, and soon we shall meet the chosen one, who is named –

And then he realized he was hungry, so he stopped talking, pulled out a 6.6-pound bento boxed lunch, and started eating. He’s actually still eating, and rather than wait for him to stop, we figured we’d ask you to help us figure out who the chosen one is by sending us your resume.

Yes, SoraNews24 is looking for a new writer to join our team. Specifically, we’re looking for someone who:
● Is enthusiastic about trends, news, and events happening in Japan and Asia
● Writes in English in a professional, lively, and engaging style that goes beyond direct translation
● Speaks and reads Japanese at an advanced level (equivalent to JLPT N2 or better)
● Has experience living or travelling extensively in Japan, plus a good sense of humor
● Possesses a solid knowledge of Internet and social media culture

This is a part-time, telecommuting position, meaning that applications from dashing jewel thieves both domestic and international are acceptable. To apply, all you have to do is send us:
1. Your resume, written in English
2. Your resume, written in Japanese
3. An English version of the Japanese RocketNews24 article linked to below, incorporating as much of the original content as you can plus any necessary additions to present the topic in a manner that would be interesting and entertaining for our English readers.
新宿歌舞伎町のカプセルホテル『はたごや』が格安なのに超快適 / 終電で帰らない夜ってマジで最高ォォォオオオオ!
4. An original English-language article of your own, approximately 400-500 words in length, that you think would be of interest to our readers. The article can be based on an existing news story or your own experiences and observations.

Once you’ve got all those put together, send your documents via e-mail to the following address:
with 「英語版ライター募集/Your Name」 as the subject line. Compensation details will be discussed with qualified applicants.

We hope to hear from you soon! Oh, and if there are any leftovers from Mr. Sato’s lunch, we’ll be happy to share them with you.



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