Japan’s Disguise Ice Cream is an ingenious way to keep roommates from stealing your desserts

The best way to protect your tempting treasure is by making it look like something no one would want to eat.

There are few pleasures in life so satisfyingly simple as making your way home from a long day at work or school and knowing that there’s delicious ice cream waiting in your freezer for you. The other side of that coin, though, is that few things are so crushingly disappointing as walking in the door, opening up the freezer, and finding that a hungry housemate or sweet-toothed sibling decided to help themselves to your dessert while you were out.

One way of dealing with this is to grab a marker and write your name on your sweets, but even that won’t safeguard you against unscrupulous roommates who’ll just lie and say they didn’t see the written proof of ownership. But Japanese Twitter user @soejima_takuma recently stumbled across what seems to be a near-foolproof way of protecting your ice cream.

While checking out the freezer section at discount retailer Don Quixote, @soejima_takuma was surprised to notice what appeared to be reusable ice packs mixed in amongst the ice cream options. They even have the plain packaging and large “DO NOT EAT” printed warnings common to many non-edible gel packs, but a closer look revealed a few unusual things.

For starters, underneath “DO NOT EAT” was written, in Japanese, “Tabete wa dame.” While that does indeed translate to “Don’t eat this,” the connotation of dame isn’t that the item is inedible, but that permission to eat it has not been granted. Sure enough, the reverse side of the package revealed the secret: these aren’t ice packs at all, but cleverly disguised individual servings of Black Mont Blanc, the favorite ice cream snack of Japan’s southern island of Kyushu!

▼ The standard Black Mont Blanc Package

▼ An unwrapped Black Mont Blanc, an ice cream bar covered in chocolate and cookie chunks

It’s actually an incredibly clever idea by manufacturer Takeshita Seika. As a matter of fact, it might be a little too clever, as one commenter pointed out that the package might also fool potential customers and hurt sales. For those in the know, though, this is a cool way to make sure no one pilfers their frozen treats.

Source: Twitter/@soejima_takuma via Jin
Featured image: Twitter/@soejima_takuma
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