Pet rodent causes a ham-stir with its amazing multi-level mansion【Video】

Pet hamster and its multi-storey residence have Japanese social media users green-eyed with house envy.

If you were an animal, what kind of animal would you be? To that question, many people would probably answer with something like an eagle, soaring over forest and mountain. Maybe a tiger, strong and sleek, or possibly even a dolphin, spiralling through the water with a perpetual grin on its face. After seeing a video posted by Japanese twitter user @pua_ratchada‘s pet and its enviable housing situation, though, a few more might consider the happy lot of the hamster for their answer to the question.

For many Japanese social media users, and at least one SoraNews24 writer, the hamster’s home is a veritable mansion in comparison to Japanese inner-city flats and their notoriously small size. Where many may only have a single room in which to eat, sleep and run around in circles in, this lucky rodent has the run of a sprawling, multi-floor home; it’s only a home cinema and a fireman’s pole away from being the ideal home.

▼ From top to bottom: third-floor living space/running wheel, bedroom, second-loor living space, first-floor living space, and athletic area.

Other Twitter users can plenty to say about the hamster’s awesome abode:

“What a sweet pad!”
“Those corridors are like a maze!”
“It’s like the ultimate play fort!”
“Isn’t it a bit far from the kitchen to the dining room?”
“Wow! I’m so jealous!”
“It’s clearly a bachelor hamster. Where would you entertain guests?”

While this sporty residence might be fine for the young hamster about town, who likes to keep in shape with a jog around their own personal athletic area, once they get to the venerable age of two or three, they might want to move somewhere a little more traditional, perhaps like this ninja hamster home.

Next time someone tells you they would be a puma or a shark, spare a thought for the hamster and its home’s potential palatial grandeur. Plus, while the devil might have all the best tunes, hamsters too know how to get the club moving. They’re also more popular with, and able to get much closer to, the ladies than a (non-sedated) tiger.

Now to find someone to house me in equal luxury and feed me biscuits with which to fill my chubby cheeks, or, failing that, to go for a stay in a capsule hotel to recreate the snug coziness of living within plastic tubes.

Source: Twitter/@pua_ratchada via jin115
Featured image: Twitter/@pua_ratchada



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