Pet rabbit celebrates Japan’s World Cup victory by humping Pokémon’s Charmander【Video】

Sudden exuberance following soccer win draws praise for vigor and speed.

With the FIFA World Cup currently taking place, we’re all once again reminded of the incredible power that sports have to bring excitement and joy into the hearts of athletes and spectators alike. Sometimes, seeing the team you’re cheering for achieve victory on the playing field can be enough to have you shouting to the heavens, dancing in the streets, or feeling kinship with people hailing from all the way on the other side of the planet.

But have you ever felt so happy that you’ve just had to hump a Pokémon?

As time expired and the Japanese soccer team secured a historic victory over Colombia on Tuesday night, Twitter user @milk_white53 was at home in front of his TV. Watching the game with him was his pet rabbit, but as the Samurai Blue basked in the afterglow of their triumph, @milk_white53’s bunny decided to make his very own pink film, choosing original starter Pokémon Charmander as his co-star.

“In his excitement over Japan’s victory, my rabbit has begun violating Charmander,” @milk_white53 tweeted, calmly describing a situation made even more bizarre by the only audio accompaniment to the coupling being the muffled sound of the television sportscasters.

Mixed in with multiple comments expressing admiration for the rabbit’s vigor and speed were those saying “My pet has done the same thing.” While some commenters may have been broadly speaking about animals mounting inanimate objects, at least one other Twitter user has a pet rabbit who’s been inordinately affectionate to his Pokémon plushie.

▼ Based on the Pocket Monster’s name, however, we’d imagine Slowpoke prefers more leisurely paced lovemaking.

Coming on the heels of last month’s instance of a lusty dog trying to get it on with an Idolmaster huggy pillow cover, animal-owning otaku might want to consider keeping their seductively soft anime merch out of their pets’ reach. As for @milk_white53, he may want to consider washing that Charmander, unless he’s expecting Japan’s soccer team to go deep into the World Cup this time, in which case perhaps he’d be better off waiting until after his rabbit is done with all of its potential victory celebrations.

Source: Twitter/@ milk_white53 via Hachima Kiko
Featured image: Twitter/@ milk_white53



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