Awesome Japanese rice porridge bread is just about the easiest thing to make in the world【Photos】

Okayu bread is so easy that its creator made it by accident.

Okayu, Japanese rice porridge, is just about the easiest thing in the world to make. All you need is some cooked white rice (the absolute easiest thing in the world to make) and water. Put the rice and water in a pot (somewhere around a one-to-five ratio is the most common), simmer until the liquid is mostly gone, and you’re done.

▼ This okayu has some greens sprinkled across the top, but the dish can also be eaten entirely plain.

Making okayu is so simple that it doesn’t even really feel like cooking, which brings us to the story of Japanese Twitter user @moe_getasan. Recently, @moe_getasan was making a pot of okayu. He turned on the lowest flame possible, placed a lid on the pot, and then went to do something else. Because of the nearly non-existent cooking process, though, @moe_getasan completely forgot about his okayu until about an hour or two later. Rushing back to the kitchen, he took the lid off the pot to find…

…he’d created an entirely new kind of food.

Though he accompanied the photo with a message declaring his tweet an “accident report,” he couldn’t help but mention that he’d made something that also looked pretty tasty, despite some singeing on the top where the mass of rice had bumped up against the inner surface of the pot’s lid.

Once the massive okayu bread had cooled down enough, he took a bite, and discovered that it tasted as good as he’d hoped. The outer layer was crisp and wafer-like, but inside was soft, moist rice porridge.

@moe_getasan’s unplanned innovation quickly attracted appreciative comments and watering mouths, with several commenters asking how exactly he’d done it. That, unfortunately, is a bit of a problem, since he didn’t make the rice porridge bread by design. As mentioned above, he knows he put the flame on his stove as low as it would go without extinguishing, and since he’d forgotten he was cooking anything in the first place, he didn’t stir the pot during the process. However, he’s not sure exactly how long it cooked for, aside from the ballpark estimate “between one and two hours.”

Logically, there’s a sweet spot where the rice has been cooked long enough to form a crispy shell, but not so long as to burn, so if you’re trying to duplicate @moe_getasan’s results, you’ll want to check on the progress periodically. Alternatively, if you’d rather make giant discs of delicious carbohydrates without using an open flame, there’s always the option of making a giant pancake in your rice cooker.

Source: Twitter/@moe_getasan via It Media
Featured image: Twitter/@moe_getasan
Insert image: Wikipedia/Opponent



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