Yakisoba company teams up with shampoo brand, launches new flavor that boosts hair growth

Now you can enjoy delicious instant stir-fried noodles that will also do wonders for your scalp.

Popular instant Japanese yakisoba brand Peyoung has been around for the longest time, occasionally offering refreshing flavors like coriander fried noodles or odd ones like yakisoba-flavored yakisoba.

Peyoung will be offering a brand new flavor very soon, collaborating with men’s hair shampoo Scalp D in an unlikely partnership that will supposedly fill tummies and reverse hair loss at the same time.

▼ A bold red caption on the packaging reads “It’s time to stand up, men!”.

The product comes packed with kombu and seaweed, as well as extracts from salmon and loquat leaf, nutrients that promote hair growth. Hijiki, a brown sea vegetable that is often served to students at Japanese schools, provides a rich source of dietary fiber and minerals for a well-balanced meal.

Each pack of Scalp D Yakisoba costs 205 yen (US$1.82) and will go on sale starting 3 December, though no one knows how such a collaboration product will actually taste like.

Japanese netizens were bewildered yet quite intrigued:

“Will they come up with a Peyoung-flavored Scalp D shampoo next?”
“Wow! This news came precisely when I was craving some seaweed yakisoba.”
“Perhaps you’ll achieve a better result by nestling the yakisoba on your head.”
“Are they making fun of bald people?”
“So are they seasoning the noodles with shampoo?”

Hair loss can be a big issue for some men out there, and short of digging deep into wallets for prohibitively expensive hair treatment programs, perhaps  it might be fun to try a few packs of Scalp D Yakisoba or test out the hair restorative powers of soybean powder.

Source: Peyoung via Hamusoku
Images: Peyoung



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