Drunk Japanese vice principal stumbles into girls bathing area on field trip, urinates, loses job

A three-step plan to wreck everything.

Japan is no stranger to some teachers making horrifically bad decisions, but this may be one of the most egregious ones yet.

On November 30, the 61-year-old male vice principal of a private high school in Ichihara City, Chiba Prefecture drunkenly stumbled into the girls bath area at a ryokan during a field trip. He then proceeded to urinate in the designated washing space.

▼ The washing space is where you wash yourself before
you go into the hot spring. It is not where you relieve yourself.

The vice principal was accompanying 250 second-year high school students as a chaperone on a field trip to Kyoto. The night in question marked the end of their three-night four-day stay.

According to reports from the school, the vice principal had been celebrating the end of the trip with 10 other faculty members, drinking beer, plus a half bottle of wine and most of a 720-milliliter bottle of sake that he had ordered himself.

After taking a nap in his room, he awoke at 9:45 p.m., entered into the girls bathing area next to his room in a drunken state, and urinated in the washing space.

▼ The last thing any of those three girls wanted
to see the last night of their field trip.

Although bathing time for students had ended earlier at 9:00 p.m., there were still three female students in the bath’s changing area who were cleaning up and witnessed the vice principal.

The vice principal has resigned from his position and stated that: “Since I was completely drunk, I have no memory of the event. I had absolutely no intention of peeking at the girls.”

The school administration are currently considering if further disciplinary action will be taken.

The school’s principal commented, saying: “It is regrettable that the trip the students had been looking forward to ended like this. We are considering it as a problem for the entire school, and are taking it seriously. I hope that, moving forward, we can change the faculty’s way of thinking for the better, so as to avoid anything like this in the future.”

Here’s what Japanese netizens had to say about the incident:

“Since the girls bathing area was next to his room, there’s a chance he mistook it for a restroom. But then you have to wonder why there was a bedroom right next door to it, and why he was in that room in the first place….”
“Alcohol: The Destroyer of Lives.”
“I don’t think my teacher chaperones partied like that during my field trips.”
“Yikes. Even peeing in the washing area? That’s disgusting.”

At the end of the day, if you’re going to pee in the shower like most people, do it in your own private home, not a public place. And not in the wrong bathing area. And not naked inside a train station locker either.

Source: Asahi Shimbun via Hachima Kiko
Top image: Pakutaso (1, 2) (Edited by SoraNews24)
Insert images: Pakutaso (1, 2)



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