New Pokémon dress shirt line lets you dress like an adult in the company of all 151 Kanto species

Wearing a suit to the office isn’t so bad when you’ve got Pikachu, Eevee, and your other Pokémon pals with you.

As of November, Pikachu can now be part of your legal signature in Japan, thanks to a line of Pokémon personal seals. Of course, if you’re old enough to need to be putting your signature on contracts and other important documents, there’s a chance you have a professional or private life that requires you to dress up in big-boy clothes now and again.

But don’t worry, your Pokémon passion is now covered on that end too.

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▼ Close-up

Japanese men’s dress shirt maker Original Stitch is teaming up with the beloved anime/video game franchise to create the brand-new Pokémon Shirts label, and they’re jumping into the venture with both feet. Rather than play it safe and just offer a Pikachu shirt to start, Original Stitch can make you a custom shirt featuring any of the 151 original Kanto Region Pocket Monsters.

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What makes the whole thing especially cool is how much minute customization you can do. For example, you could have the Pokémon pattern across the entire shirt, like with the Pikachu design above, but if that’s too much, you can also compartmentalize your Pokémon salute to the collar and cuffs, like with these Squirtle and Bulbasaur shirts.

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Naturally, putting Pocket Monster on your pocket is also an option, like with Charmander here.

▼ The same pattern, but applied to the entire shirt and with a more open collar.

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You can even go super-subtle with Pokémon patterns on the inside of the collar and cuffs.

Golem pattern

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Of course, a big part of the fun of the Pokémon games lies in choosing not just one species, but in assembling a team of different Pokémon for success in any battle. Luckily, Original Stitch also lets you combine more than one pattern on the same shirt. For instance, putting Magikarp and Jigglypuff together…

…can net you this loud-and-proud design.

▼ Another possible pairing: Slowbro with Golem

Other patterns that have been revealed so far include Eevee, Slowpoke, and Gyarados.

▼ Surfing Pikachu rides the waves that Gyarados pops up from between.

▼ Pokémon Shirts promotional video

Original Stitch officially starts taking orders for the shirts (which are priced at 10,000 yen [US$90]) in late February, but from January 26 to 28 the first 20 designs will be available as a pre-start promotion. During that period, the available designs will be Pikachu, Eevee, Squirtle, Bulbasaur, Charmander, Vulpix, Geodude, Slowpoke, Fearow, Ponyta, Magikarp, Raticate, Slowbro, Pidgeot, Beedril, Golem, Poliwag, Kakuna, Jigglypuff, and Gyarados, and orders can be made here through the official Pokémon Shirts website.

Sources: Pokémon Shirts via IT Media, PR Times
Top image: Pokémon Shirts
Insert images: Pokémon Shirts, YouTube/ポケモン公式YouTubeチャンネル, PR Times



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