Uncle and netizens confused about child’s low grade on math assignment

Have you ever had a teacher this strict?

Japanese homework can be tough sometimes, especially depending on the teacher. A simple math problem can evolve to criticizing your lifestyle, and an English writing assignment can turn into a poem about the futility of life.

Twitter user @r_yukitok Tweeted a photo of a homework assignment sent by his sister that captured the attention of other Japanese Twitter users.

▼ “My sister sent this to me and asked me to tell her why it’s marked wrong, but the reason is so hard to figure out that it made me laugh.

The instructions for problem four are to draw one triangle and one square using straight lines in the two answer areas. Though the child’s answers appear to be correct, they’re each marked with a triangle, meaning “not quite right.” The same thing happens in problem five, which instructs the child to draw a shape with two sides measuring three centimeters (1.2 inches) and two sides measuring six centimeters (2.4 inches).

The saga continued. The Twitter user’s sister asked the teacher in question what was wrong with the assignment. The answer may cause you some confusion, and maybe even some outrage.

▼ The update contains a new photo, and we’ve translated the text of the Tweet below.

I’m surprised this is making such waves…! Today, she went to ask the teacher for the reason, and the reason was, ‘Some of the lines aren’t completely straight.’ Also, there were a lot of notes asking to mark right angles, but as a second-year elementary school student, they haven’t learned that yet. The lines looked disconnected due to the lighting of the previous photo.

As you can imagine, many people are surprised that a second-year student is expected to draw perfectly straight lines and remember to mark their right angles. How can you remember something you’ve never learned? Here’s what some netizens said:

“This teacher’s line of thinking isn’t completely straight either.”
“This would be marked incorrect if it was a drafting test, but this is from a math class? Insane.”
“Elementary school students these days have it rough…”
“I want to tell this mother that in order to prevent their child from thinking math is boring because of this experience, they shouldn’t be complaining about their dissatisfaction with the teacher – they should be praising their child and reassuring them.”

Maybe the teacher in question could ease up and learn something from the teacher who assigned hugging homework to their students.

Sources: Twitter/@r_yukitok via Net Lab
Featured image: Twitter/r_yukitok



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