Hotel maid gives great anime decorating idea to let fans’ favorite characters sleep together

Sweetly suggestive cleaning staff takes good care of Japanese traveler’s anime goods in New York hotel.

Japanese Twitter user @dash0805 spent the past few days in New York. Like a lot of travelers, she was in the Big Apple as part of a guided tour, but this wasn’t any ordinary package, it was an official tour commemorating anime series Banana Fish.

Banana Fish TV series trailer

Originally a manga that began serialization in 1985 before being updated into a TV anime series last year, Banana Fish takes place primarily on the streets of New York, where teenage gang leader Ash Lynx takes on other, more evil criminal organizations. The tour visited many of the real-world locations that appear in the series, such as Times Square and Grand Central Terminal, where @dash0805 dined at the same restaurant as some of the anime’s characters do in one episode.

In addition to its criminal thriller elements, though, Banana Fish owes much of its popularity for being one of the earlier manga franchises to have a growing romance between two men as its central relationship, which gets started when Ash meets Japanese photojournalist Eiji. So along with ordinary items like her passport and camera, @dash0805’s luggage included paper cutouts of the pair. However, she left them on her unmade bed one day when going out, and worried that her hotel’s maid might have mistaken them for trash and thrown them out while cleaning.

When @dash0805 got back to the hotel, though, she found that such fears were misplaced, as not only had the cleaning staff realized that she was deeply attached to the two characters…

they even tucked Ash and Eiji snugly into the same bed, making it look like they were lying side by side under the covers.

“I thought I was going to die laughing,” tweeted @dash0805. “To whoever made my bed, thank you.”

The incident brings to mind similar otaku-oriented hospitality that took place at a hotel in Japan a while back, when a traveler left his erotic scattered around his hotel room when going out, only for the maid to arrange them in a neat stack atop his bed (and considerately refill his tissue container). However, while it may have required hotel professional-level ingenuity to come up with the idea of tucking in Ash and Eiji, it’s pretty easy for amateurs to duplicate, and at least one commenter said her friend is planning to do the same in her home with artwork of her favorite anime characters, so this ay be the start of a trend in otaku interior decorating.

Source: Twitter/@dash0805 via Jin
Featured image: Twitter/@dash0805
Top image: YouTube/アニプレックス



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