Prominent boob-centric manga artist shocks fans by revealing she’s a beautiful buxom woman

Turns out illustrator has some first-hand experience with her main mammary matter.

Nishizawa 5 Millimeter draws boobs. Granted, that’s not the only thing the artist draws, as said boobs are components of cute anime-style girls. Nonetheless, there’s a particularly loving care given to the characters’ chest areas.

For example, Nishizawa recently contributed illustrations for an art collection titled #Jujoshi. The cover’s text proudly identifies it as “A boob book for readers of all ages” and “A selection of boob illustrations with social media-style photos as the theme.”


Nishizawa also produced this teasing schoolgirl who’s lifting up her skirt while coyly saying, “If I called out right now, what would happen to you, Teacher?”

…and this Twitter manga, in which an already buxom girl looks forward to her boyfriend getting her pregnant after she reads on the Internet that women’s bust sizes increase during pregnancy.

▼ Nishizawa (who goes by @wanwangomigomi on Twitter) followed up with a poll for flowers asking them what their favorite cup size is for a woman’s chest.

With so much of Nishizawa’s output gravitating towards boobs, many fans imagined the artist must be a man with a particularly advanced appreciation for the female torso. However, the illustrator recently posed with an upcoming book and tweeted the picture, which revealed that…

Nishizawa is herself an attractive young woman with a noticeably large bust.

The gap between the artist’s appearance in fans’ imagination and in real life came as a shock to many of them, who left comments such as:

“Wait…you’re a woman? And such a beautiful one?”
“I’d always thought you were a guy…”
“You look so much like the character on the cover of your new book!”
“Now I’ve got to buy it!”

While this was Nishizawa’s first time to post a picture of herself through her Twitter account, some fans had actually seen the artist before, just without realizing it. Most of Nishizawa’s output has been in the self-published dojinshi category, and she’s sold her works in-person at the twice-a-year Comiket convention in Tokyo. However, it’s not uncommon for artists to hire attractive women to help promote their products at the event, either doing cosplay or manning the sales counter, and at least one commenter assumed that’s who Nishizawa was. “So that beautiful girl at your booth at Comiket was you, the artist!” the fan tweeted. “You were so nice to me when I made my purchase.”

In retrospect, there was a hint as to Nishizawa’s lady-ness. As some of you may remember, almost exactly a year ago one of her Twitter illustrations made a splash by depicting nine ways having large breasts affects a woman’s day-to-day lifestyle. While they were accompanied by cute and sexy drawings, the points they raised, such as trouble shopping for dresses and stiff shoulders, spoke to a fairly comprehensive understanding of what it’s like living with a big bust, and it turns out those didn’t come from third-person observation, but from first-person experience.

By the way, if you’re curious about the book Nishizawa is holding up in her photo, it’s a copy of Watashi no Hajimete, Kimi ni Agemasu, or “I Give My First Time to You.” A manga anthology of short and sexy stories, such as a cosplayer trying to convince a manga artist to lose his virginity by sleeping with her, it’s Nishizawa’s first solo project as both author and illustrator, and can be ordered here from Amazon in both physical and digital versions.

Source: Twitter/@wanwangomigomi via Jin
Featured image: Twitter/@wanwangomigomi



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