This store in Tokyo will pull out your grey hairs for you, leave you looking years younger

“Refresh your soul and hair!” is the slogan of the first white-hair-removal specialty store in Japan.

Japan has all manner of gimmicky shops when it comes to hair, from anime otaku hair salons to shampoo bars that promise you a midday nap or your money back. One of the latest offerings in Tokyo is also sure to leave you feeling less grey when you leave–in a very literal sense.

Shiraganuki Main Store opened in September of last year. It’s only a five-minute walk from JR Akabane Station near the border of Tokyo and Saitama Prefectures, and passersby are likely to do a double-take when they see the sign outside, as “shiraganuki” means “white hair removal.”

The self-touted first white-hair-removal specialty shop in Japan, Shiraganuki Main Store explains the underlying logic behind its creation on its website:

“They don’t cause major stress, but those white hairs have always bothered you. 
It’s not easy asking someone to pluck them out for you, and it’s harder than it looks to do it yourself. 
Therefore, we’ve started this new shop specializing in the removal of white hair.”

The store charges 3,980 yen (US$36) for 30 minutes of pluck time, 7,480 yen for 60 minutes, and thereafter 1,000 yen for every additional 10 minutes. First-time customers also have access to the special one-time rate of 2,980 yen for 30 minutes. We don’t really know if that’s a good deal or not because, well, we can’t think of any other stores offering the same service to which we can compare it!

According to the website, staff use tweezers to pluck out your white hairs one by one. While the number of hairs that can be plucked in a set period of time varies depending on factors such as hair length and whether you’ve used any hairstyling product (they ask that you come without any as a shampoo is not part of their service), they typically average anywhere from 30-70 hairs per 10 minutes. When they’re that productive, just take a look at some of the incredible piles of white that result:

“Thank you for visiting us today from Kasai. We plucked 400 hairs from the front and back of your head in the span of one hour!”

▼ “Thank you for visiting today. You’ve gone home looking much younger!” 

In both of those cases, we’re actually a bit concerned that the customer left looking balder rather than younger!

Speaking of concerns, a common question that Shiraganuki Main Store receives is “Does it hurt?” to which they respond, “It depends on the person. Most people voice that it doesn’t hurt, but you won’t know until you try. Don’t worry because we will stop partway through if it hurts too much.”

If you have a bit of a complex about your white hair and this sounds like a dream shop, you can book your appointment via this online form or by calling the number listed below. Also, be sure to register @shiraganuki on Japanese messaging app Line to receive a coupon before your visit. Happy hair plucking!

Store information
Shiraganuki Main Store / 白髪抜き本舗
Address: 115-0045 Tokyo-to, Kita-ku, Akabane 1-29-8
〒115-0045 東京都北区赤羽 1-29-8
Open: Thursday-Sunday (other days possible by special arrangement), 10 AM-8 PM (last appointment: 9 PM)
Telephone: +81 080-3405-7774

Source: Shiraganuki Main Store
Featured image: Twitter/@shiraganuki
Top image, insert images: Shiraganuki Main Store 



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