Japanese mom finds dead dad’s Amazon cart has one last message of love for his grandchildren

Present he never got to give breaks and warms daughter’s heart.

In today’s world, where you can find anything online, many people live in fear of what would happen to their Internet browser histories if they were to suddenly die, thus baring their private queries and interests for others to see. So perhaps it was with some trepidation that Japanese Twitter user Mokoko (@ChocoTriplets) started up the PC that her father had been using before he passed away last year.

Sure enough, when she pointed the browser at Amazon, she noticed that there were three items left in her dad’s cart, but which hadn’t been purchased yet. If you thought he’d been browsing saucy DVDs and risque photo albums, though, think again, as Mokoko reports:

“No one had used my dad’s computer since he passed away last year, and today I noticed there was something left in his Amazon cart. So I took a look, and found that he was planning to order three sets of baby clothes, and now my heart is breaking.”

As Momoko’s Twitter user name implies, she’s a mother to triplets, two boys and one girl, who she gave birth to in October.

Momoko doesn’t mention the exact date of her father’s death, but since he passed away sometime in 2018, that means he had, at the very most, only a few months to spend with his grandchildren, if he was even able to meet them at all. Still, they were in his thoughts, enough so that he was already shopping for presents for them.

As anyone who’s spent much time around babies knows, though, they grow up fast. Sadly, in the time since Momoko’s father picked out the clothes and now, the babies have gotten big enough that the outfits he chose, even in their largest available sizes, are too small for his grandchildren to get much use out of. However, his final act of affection won’t be in vain, as Momoko has put the order through and has a plan for when the clothes are delivered:

“The clothes my dad chose are pretty small for my kids now, so after they wear them one time, I’m going to take the fabric and use it to make three stuffed animals for them, and the stuffed animals will watch over them as they grow up.”

Momoko often shares photos of her triplets in adorable coordinated outfits, and no doubt when her Amazon delivery comes, she’ll be taking snapshots again. We can’t wait to see the babies’ loving grandpa picked out for them, though we suspect we’re going to need some tissues to wipe away the tears before we get a good look.

Source: Twitter/@ChocoTriplets via Jin
Top image: Pakutaso
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