Hungry? Want some chips? Too bad, you can’t, because that’s not actually a bag of chips

This artist can fool you into thinking you’re allowed to snack.

Art is amazing in its many forms, but when you have truly realistic art that looks like a photograph when it’s really drawn with colored pencils or graphite pencils, or when it looks so real you feel like you can reach out and touch it, it’s extremely impressive. Perhaps, however, awe could turn to resentment when such talented artists draw food.

Take the colored pencil works by artist and Twitter user Miyakawa (@miya_drawing), for example. Their hyper-realistic drawing of an open bag of potato chips in particular had us hungry, until we realized they can’t actually be eaten.

Now, just picture this bag, sitting open in front of you, inviting you to take a chip and pop its savory, crunchy goodness into your mouth. Imagine your rage when you try to reach into its gaping mouth, only to find there is no bag, there are no chips, and everything is a lie?

That’s what we imagine it would be like if Miyakawa put this super realistic drawing in front of us when we were hungry. Luckily, we’ve just eaten, so the 22-year-old graduate student’s art is more amazing than it is frustrating!

Miyakawa seems to be good at drawing food and food packages, in fact. They have shared many more unbelievable drawings on Twitter, like this picture of an open instant ramen bowl and an unopened package of red bean bread.

Or this KitKat packaging, which looks just like someone recently tore it open and took out the snack inside.

Or this side-by-side comparison of a real bar of Meiji chocolate and its likeness. It’s almost hard to tell which one is the real one!

What’s pretty cool is that they have also posted videos and photos that show the process they use to create such realistic pieces. For example, the chocolate bar:

And the potato chip bag:

It’s truly impressive! And we have to say, honestly, if we were hungry, we would prefer to be tricked with one of these pictures, than to be given extra adorable food art, which we would probably find too cute to eat.

Source: Twitter/@miya_drawing via Netlab 
Featured Image: Twitter/@miya_drawing

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