Love letters from little sisters on sale from Japanese gacha vending machine【Photos】

Handwritten letters contain messages of bittersweet passion and homicidal jealousy.

Most capsule toy vending machines in Japan dispense cute little trinkets like kitty figurines or Pokémon costumes for your pets. Now, though, there’s one that with every tun of the crank spits out the iconic gacha balls, and inside each is a letter from an extremely, let’s say “devoted” little sister.

Earlier this week, Japanese Twitter user @baru_san12345 stopped by Capsule House, a store packed with capsule toy machines, in Osu, the otaku district of Nagoya. As shown on the left in the above photo, one of Capsule House’s machines sells “Letters from Little Sister,”and @baru_san12345 tossed enough coins into the slot to buy two.

The letters are handwritten on folded lined paper. @baru_san12345’s first, written in girlish pink ink, was addressed to “Onii-cham” (“Big Brother”) from his “little sister Hina,” and read:

To Onii-chan, who I love so much,

Onii-chan, I’ve been thinking. Maybe it’s time for us to start over with our relationship. I will always love you, as I should. But we can’t spend our adult lives together forever like this. Even my friend Manami told me we can’t hide this forever.

You might say that doesn’t matter, but we can’t have a proper marriage, and people will think we’re strange. I’ve always loved you since we were little kids, and I still do. But…even if we “love” each other, the relationship we should have is one where we “like” each other. Yes, that’s how things should be.

My feelings of love for you will never change. But let’s find people we can have a relationship of love with, not just like. I’m rooting for you!

So…as of today…it’s…it’s over…right?

I’ll always love you.

However, while all of the letters are ostensibly written by little sisters, that doesn’t mean they’re all intended for their big brothers to read, even if he’s the subject of the correspondence. The second letter @baru_san12345 bought was one written by little sister Hotaru to another girl, one who Hotaru sees as a threat.


This is Onii-chan’s little sister Hotaru. We met the other day. There’s something I wanted to tell you, but I can’t when you’re always with my brother, so I wrote this letter instead.

I’ll get straight to the point. Can you back off? You and my brother aren’t a couple, so don’t you think it’s annoying how you’re always trying to act all flirty and clinging to him? It’s a huge nuisance to me!!

To be honest, my brother doesn’t care about you at all. He won’t fall in love with any girl other than me. Can you please put that in your head? And stop sending him text messages on Line every night. It’s so annoying! You’ll probably say I have a brother complex, but the bond between Onii-chan and me isn’t anything so shallow as that.

And don’t tell my brother about this letter.

But even more unsettling is the letter purchased from the machine by another Twitter user, @TadashiOrisbc3, in which the unnamed little sister goes full-on yandere possessive psychotic.

▼ There’s so much linguistic static that you almost don’t notice when she slips “KILL” into the message.

Onii-chan Onii-chan Onii-chan Onii-chan Onii-chan
Only look at me Only look at me Only look at me Only look at me.
Onii-chan Onii-chan Onii-chan Onii-chan Onii-chan
Don’t spend time with other girls Don’t spend time with other girls Don’t spend time with other girls
Onii-chan Onii-chan Onii-chan Onii-chan Onii-chan
You belong to me You belong to me You belong to me
Onii-chan Onii-chan Onii-chan Onii-chan Onii-chan
Who was that girl I say you with? Who was that girl I say you with? Who was that girl I say you with? Who was that girl I say you with? Who was that girl I say you with?
Onii-chan Onii-chan KILL Onii-chan Onii-chan Onii-chan
What did the two of you do together? What did the two of you do together? What did the two of you do together?
I won’t forgive you I won’t forgive you I won’t forgive you I won’t forgive you I won’t forgive you
I won’t forgive you I won’t forgive you I won’t forgive you I won’t forgive you

Each letter sells for 200 yen (US$1.80), and since they’re hand-written odds are no two are exactly alike, making them unique collectors’ items. Oh, and if you’d prefer your love letters to be written by a non-blood-relative instead, Capsule House also has a machine selling the schoolgirl love letters we looked at a while back too.

Related: Capsule House Osu website
Source: Twitter/@baru_san12345 via Otakomu
Featured image: Twitter/@baru_san12345
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