Japanese dad has heartwarming and creative solution to son’s bad morning

We wish our dads treated us like this when we didn’t want to go to school, too.

When Twitter user @hug_yama‘s son woke up and said he didn’t want to go to school, he put his son to a test that proved successful.

▼ A+ problem-solving skills (translation below).

“One of my sons was crying and saying, ‘I don’t want to go to school today. I just want to sleep,’ so I had him take a bath and then gave him some pork shabu shabu hotpot to eat. I put in a lot of meat and tofu, and when I told him it would taste even better if he ate the meat and green onions together, he ate all of it and went to school without a problem. If he didn’t eat the hotpot, I think I would have let him stay home.

If he couldn’t even eat anything, I would have let him stay home from school.”

“What? What kind of standard and solution is that?” you may be asking. @hug_yama further explained his thinking, figuring it would help others struggling with a bad morning. One Twitter user also questioned the order of solutions, asking why he chose to make his son eat after taking a bath, and why this happened in the morning instead of the traditional nightly bath. This was @hug_yama’s response:

▼ He has some pretty solid reasoning.

“Yes, it was in the morning. When you wake up, both your body temperature and blood pressure are low, so it’s easy to harbor negativity. I wanted him to warm up his body first; while he was doing that, I reheated the leftovers of our hotpot last night and cut up some vegetables to add to it. He ate it when he was finished with his bath. Our family eats a full breakfast, so it didn’t take much more time than usual.”

Many praised the father not only for his creative solution, but also for his innate kindness.

“This is a wonderful way to treat this situation. If all parents treated their children this way, I don’t think anyone would hear crying children in the morning.”
“Whenever I feel down about work, I also like to self-medicate with food. I still don’t know why it revives me so much.”
“I guess if I ever feel like dying, I’ll try to warm myself up and eat. This is great advice for adults as well.”

@hug_yama’s advice is a great reminder to not only be kind to others, but also to yourself. When you’re having a really bad day, maybe you should consider grabbing a pitcher of warm tripe stew instead of beer.

Sources: Twitter/@hug_yama via Hachima Kikou
Featured image: Flickr/Jun OHWADA
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