Hong Kong protesters apologizing for airport disruption strikes a chord with Japanese netizens

The fight for human rights goes on, but these considerate people have earned a ton of respect from some Japanese people.

As the Hong Kong pro-democracy movement enters its 11th week to oppose a bill allowing China to extradite the country’s citizens into the mainland, protesters have entered the airport to make their voices heard.

While similar large-scale protests sometimes descend into violent chaos, Hong Kong demonstrators have so far shown that they are only here to oppose the unpopular bill and not to inconvenience the public.

So when protesters occupied Hong Kong International Airport a few days prior, they tried to remain as organized as possible while apologizing to incoming visitors…

▼ …using a banner to explain their actions.

The way these demonstrators conducted themselves spoke volumes of their consideration for the public. They were not there to cause needless trouble, but to stand up for their rights.

Their determination must have sparked something in Japanese people, who often aim to inconvenience others as little as possible, such as during the bus strike in Okayama last year when the drivers still drove but refused to take passengers’ fare.

“I respect people who fight for their future. We as Japanese people should learn from them.”
“You’re not disrupting others. Human rights is more important. Don’t say sorry.”
“Their fight for freedom has made me rethink my priorities in life. Please do your best.”
“For freedom!”
“The ones suffering the most are Hong Kong people, so please don’t apologize.”

It takes a lot of guts and determination to fight for the future of your country like that, all the while making sure everyday life is still going as smoothly as possible. Who knows, maybe one day their brave actions may result in a tribute video just like what someone did a few years ago during the Umbrella Revolution.

Source: Twitter/@martfack via Twicolle
Featured image: Twitter/@martfack

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