And now, a spot of everyone’s favorite winter sport: Japanese cat curling【Video】

All you need for this sport is a cat and a recently cleaned wooden floor.

Winter sports are so fun to watch, especially at home, in a blanket cocoon, with a steaming hot beverage. While there’s no denying the heart-racing talents of pro figure skaters like Yuzuru Hanyu, it’s a lot of work to actually participate in winter sports — at least more difficult than strolling to the neighborhood basketball court to shoot around or taking a leisurely bike ride around the neighborhood.

Thank heavens, then, that there’s a way to get in on all the winter sports fun without hiking up a mountain or even leaving your well-heated home. All you need…is a cat!

▼ A really, really placid cat…and a squeaky-clean floor to slide it on.

This cute ball of fluff is Goma, and she’s owned by the parents of Twitter user Goma Illustrations (@goma_irasuto) who named their social media presence in her honor. In the video we get to see Goma obligingly run up to someone and then flop onto the floor, so that they may better propel her along its shiny surface. Once she’s racked up a billion cuteness points, she quickly and cheerfully runs right back so she can do it all again.

While the video was first posted on YouTube in 2016, it continues to regularly delight new audiences, and Goma Illustration has gone on record as being incredibly proud that their parents’ cat has made so many people happy. When the YouTube video passed 400,000 likes on YouTube they even commemorated it with a drawing…

▼ “Thanks for 400,000 likes!” (tweet translation below)

“Thinking about how her video can bring a smile to someone’s face always makes me happy. Thanks for all your lovely comments and gorgeous pictures of your own cats! I don’t have much spare time, as I use all of it to draw in pursuit of my dream… I’m so sorry I can’t reply to all of you individually because of that.”

While we can’t guarantee your pet will be as much of a genius on the rink (or waxed wooden floor) as Goma, we’re always excited to see what takes they have on other sports. How about extreme stair climbing, for instance? Or competitive sashimi tag? Keep up posted!

Source: Twitter/@goma_irasuto, YouTube/goma a via Hamusoku
Top image: YouTube/goma a



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