Final Fantasy VII cafes are opening in Tokyo and Osaka to celebrate legendary game’s remake

Cloud and Sephiroth get their own Buster Sword and Masamune-garnished mixed drinks.

It’s been a tough month for Final Fantasy fans, what with the news that Final Fantasy VII Remake, a game fans have been asking for for roughly 20 years, isn’t going to make it’s initially planned March 3 release date, and is instead being pushed back to April 10. But if you’re the kind of person who takes solace from sadness in food and drink, you’re in luck, as two Final Fantasy VII Remakes cafes are set to open in Japan in February!.

Both will be pop-ups at the Square Enix Cafes, one of which is the relocating and grand-reopening branch in Tokyo’s Akihabara neighborhood, and the other in Osaka.

▼ The New Square Enix Cafe Tokyo promises 50-percent more seats than the previous location, which was already an awesome place to eat.

The cafes will have full menus inspired by the Final Fantasy franchise’s best-loved arc, with the previewed food items so far including a fruit parfait evocative of flower seller (no spoilers!) Aerith and a Moogle sweet bean bun.

The stars of the drink menu are a pair of non-alcoholic cocktails saluting Final Fantasy VII’s rivals with extra-long hair and oversize swords. The Cloud drink is a refreshing mix of pine juice and lemon gelatin (colored black, like the darkness that lurks in the hero’s heart), while the Sephiroth’s “bewitching flavor” comes from pomegranate syrup and ginger. Naturally, they’re garnished with a Buster Sword and Masamune, respectively.

Drink and food orders will also get you special character art coasters or place mats. While the “Cloud brooding and holding his sword in profile” pattern can be found at either cafe, others will be exclusive to Tokyo or Osaka, with the Osaka designs shown below.

And of course, a Japanese themed cafe needs some special merch, which in this case comes in the form of Shinra Electric Power Company jackets and messenger bags, patches for Tifa’s 7th Heaven bar and Cloud’s Cross-slash limit break, and Mako orb candy drops.

Just like Final Fantasy VII Remake is going to be a multi-game story, so too are the cafes going to go through stages, offering one menu from February 8 to March 17, and another from March 18 to April 24. Reservations open on January 30, and can be made online through the Square Enix Cafe websites.

Related: Square Enix Cafe Tokyo, Square Enix Cafe Osaka
Sources: PR Times, Square Enix Cafe (1, 2)
Top image: PR Times
Insert images: Square Enix Cafe (1, 2), PR Times
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