Nintendo’s employee recruiting pamphlet is a full-color Super Mario storybook【Photos】

No boring charts or dull text for video gaming’s most playful AAA publisher.

Even though Nintendo makes its money through interactive entertainment, working at the company can’t be all fun and games, right? It’s a business, after all, and one with huge amounts of invested money riding on the success of its products.

So you might expect Nintendo’s employee recruiting pamphlet to be full of bone-dry organizational charts and clinical lists of the kind of candidates they’re looking for. But as Japanese Twitter user @karasu_mp3 recently revealed, Nintendo’s pitch to potential workers is as colorful and creative as the games it wants new hires to help make.

“This is Nintendo’s recruiting pamphlet for this year,” @karasu_mp3 tweeted, “and it’s seriously awesome. It’s set up like an illustrated storybook, with pictures of the Mario cast on every page. I was thrilled to see Wart.”

Sure enough, the pages shown in the photos are packed with warm, inviting character art, which serve as an example of the sort of work that goes on in the Nintendo offices. In one, we see Daisy on the phone with giant frog Wart, the final boss of Super Mario Bros. 2, which had entirely different graphics and wasn’t part of the Super Mario franchise in Japan. In keeping with Wart’s non-Japanese status for the franchise, he’s making an overseas phone call, with Daisy using her foreign language skills to field the call, according to the text accompanying the illustration.

Next up is a scene of Super Mario Odyssey songstress Pauline, accompanied by Luigi on string bass as she creates new music, another important part of Nintendo’s video game production activities. “Will they be able to create a melody that make players’ emotions dance, and music that remains in their hearts?” asks the text.

And last, in the most dynamic piece of art, we see Bowser Jr. manipulating the flying machine his dad first rode in Super Mario World, with the excited description reading “Whoa” Careful there, Bowser Jr.! He’s testing out whether or not the game controllers are working properly.”

Adding to the sense of childlike whimsey is the way everything is written in phonetic hiragana script, the form of writing Japanese students learn at the youngest age and the most common choice for read-it-yourself literature for young kids. Here’s hoping that when Nintendo’s former headquarters in Kyoto is turned into a hotel each room also gets a copy of the recruiting pamphlet, so that guests can enjoy reading a bedtime story with the video game stars.

Source: Twitter/@karasu_mp3 via Hachima Kiko
Featured image: Twitter/@karasu_mp3
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