Tokyo Disneyland’s attention to detail really ‘leafs’ an impression!

The Magic Kingdom leaves no stone unturned when it comes to customer service!

Disneyland is a place well-known for its staff members, or ‘cast’, going above and beyond when it comes to excellent customer service. It is, after all, the Magic Kingdom. From the grandiose character themed rooms to the shape of the hand soap, no detail is too small; everything is done to bring a touch of magic to its customers’ day.

And when we say no detail too small, we really mean it. Small Mickey Mouse symbols (or ‘Hidden Mickeys’) are hidden all over the park; on walls, in windows, on the backs of chairs, everywhere! For die-hard Disney fans, finding the Hidden Mickeys is a fun side quest to do as you make your way round the park. Some of them are obvious, some of them less so.

Twitter user @_he_art managed to find one in a most unexpected place when they visited Tokyo Disneyland recently – on a single leaf.

“Disney’s awesome. A cast member told me ‘Something’s on your bag’ and when I looked this is what I saw.”

The silhouette of Mickey Mouse, carved into a single leaf, had Japanese netizens saying:

“This is something only Disney would do. I love Disney so much!!”
“If they do stuff like this… I’ll just have to go back and visit again and again! Disney’s so impressive!!”
“The cast really are wonderful!”
“That’s so Disney… always going above and beyond expectations!”

And @_he_art is not alone in their discovery. Fellow Twitter user @stsn0426 shared their lucky leaf discovery.

It appears that in order to get one of these magical Mickey leaves, you need to make your way to the Tom Sawyer Island. But it’s not only Mickey that gets the leaf treatment; you can also get Stitch imprinted on a leaf, like this Twitter user did.

Another Twitter user was reminded of a similar incident from their childhood –

“I got one of these too, when I was a kid. There was a raft with a cast member rowing it. I was staring at the raft because I really wanted to ride it. The cast member saw me staring, came over to me and made a Mickey Mouse silhouette leaf they’d made by tearing the edges! I wasn’t even six at the time, so my memories are pretty hazy but I remember being impressed with how good they were with their hands! I was so lucky. The other customers on the raft were even saying ‘Wow!’ and ‘Good for you!’ 

Next time you pay a visit to the Magic Kingdom, be sure to keep your eyes peeled for some unbe-leaf-able Hidden Mickeys! And for those unable to make it to Tokyo Disneyland, you can always try to make your own Hidden Mickeys at home with this boiled egg recipe! 

Source: Twitter/@_he_art via Jin
Featured image: Twitter/@_he_art
Top image: Pakutaso
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