Let’s stick hot, cheap electronics near our eyes with Daiso’s heated eyelash curler!【Experiment】

Our resident 100 yen shop expert tries to become better-looking while still keeping his wallet beautifully full.

He doesn’t like to brag, but our Japanese-language reporter Go Hatori is a bit of a Daiso expert. He regularly comes back from Japan’s favorite 100 yen store with all sorts of handy and useful stuff…and also some stuff that he’s still not sure how he’s supposed to use, like the definitely-not-a-toy Light Up Poop Stick.

As a matter of fact, Go is so good at finding 100-yen bargains at Daiso that he sometimes feels a mental resistance to splurging on the chain’s more expensive premium items. On his last shopping trip, though, he made an exception by digging deep into his pockets for Daiso’s heated eyelash curler, which costs a whopping 200 yen (US$1.90).

▼ Hey, he’d worked hard all month, so he deserved to treat himself to such lofty luxury.

The curler is battery-operated, so after removing it from its packaging Go stuck two AAAs in it and switched on the power.

The device’s silicone pad needs to heat up to a little over 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit) in order to curl your eyelashes. This takes around 15 seconds, and there’s even a cool trick to let you know when it’s ready, as the silicone pad changes from pink to clear.

▼ Not yet…

▼ Good to go!

Now all that was left to do was for Go to clamp this extremely low-priced piece of heated machinery onto his eyelash.

Once you’ve got your eyelash inserted, you need to hold the curler in place for 10 to 15 seconds for it to take effect. For reference, here’s what Go’s eyelashes look like normally

…and here’s what they looked like (for his left eye) after 15 seconds in Daiso’s curler.

That’s a pretty big change for such a tiny time/money investment.

▼ You can really see the difference here, where Go’s left eyelashes have been curled, but not his right ones.

If anything, Go was concerned that his eyelashes might look too lavishly long.

But hey, if you buy an eyelash curler, you want curly eyelashes, and Daiso’s does an excellent job, especially for such an amazingly low price, and this might just be Go’s best Daiso premium item find since he turned his apartment into a batting cage.

Photos ©SoraNews24
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