Poop Flinging Game – Literal weird crap from Japanese capsule toy machines【Photos】

Comes in anime-style and realistic poo versions!

With vacation time coming up but all sorts of travel restrictions and warnings still in place, a lot of people are looking for a way to have some good clean fun while staying home. We’re not sure if these items from Japanese capsule toy makers Epoch and Capsule Collection fully count as “clean,” but we have to admit that they promise some very unique entertainment.

Collectively, the six toys (priced at 200 yen [US$1.90]) are called the Unchi Tobashi Game, or “Poop Flinging Game,” series. Once you know that, the marque toy in the lineup is less confusing, though still just as bizarre.

The one-capsule set includes three pieces: a plastic pile of poo, some disembodied legs and a naked butt attached to a launcher, and a vaguely toilet-shaped target that you try to catapult the turd into.

True crap-oisseurs will be quick to notice that the above-pictured set includes the highly stylized ice cream-shaped poo commonly seen in manga and anime. Don’t worry, though, if only a realistic rendering of human fecal matter can truly excite your heart, because Unchi Tobashi Game’s designers have had the foresight to put one in an alternate version.

However, the Unchi Tobashi Game naming is a bit misleading, because making poo fly through the air is just the tip of the dookie swirl in what the lineup offers. There’s also Unchi Three in a Row, with 10 pieces of manga or realistic poo.

▼ Having two colors lets you choose the shade that most closely matches your sample from your last bathroom break.

And last, there’s the Unchi Balance Game, in which you try to build the biggest pile of crap you can inside one of two squat toilets. These are sure to be especially coveted by people who think variety is the spice of life/the digestive process, since you get both manga and realistic poo in the same set!

▼ You only get eight turds total, ether because the toilet doesn’t provide a particularly wide base to build on or because the designers figure after eight rounds you’re going to be too grossed out to want to touch anymore poop.

Unchi Tobashi Game isn’t brand-new, but we recently ran across a stocked machine near the Midori no Madoguchi travel counter at Tokyo’s Shinagawa Station, so it is still available in the wild. Should you be unable to find a machine, though, we must implore you not to attempt to make your own by harvesting the contents of your toilet, and instead encourage you to engage in more wholesome activities, like playing Grand Theft Auto with your three-year-old children.

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Insert images: SoraNews24, Capsule Collection
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